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Random act of kindness



There are good people in the world despite what my past experience wants to tell me. Yesterday I dropped my prescription in the parking lot and didn't know I lost it until I got home. I was tearing up the place trying to find it. Then I get a call from the pharmacy saying it had been found and I could return to pick it up again. Phew.

That employee could have decided to sell it on the street (no abuse potential, but dumb kids will buy anything pharmaceutical these days) or just leave it lying around for someone else to find. Instead she did a very nice thing to make sure it got back to its owner. I am so thankful that on the day I happened to have a careless mistake there was someone willing to help. Faith in humanity goes up a notch.


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That's great to hear, Ralph. This kind of thing has happened to me many times. One time I put my wallet on top of the car while buckling the baby in her car seat and then drove off. Someone found my wallet and called me. Nothing was missing. There have been several times when others have helped me on the road. A few times when I was stuck in snow and another time when the wheel broke off my car. There's a lot of kindness out there in the world. It's nice to recognize that. Glad you got your prescription back. :)

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I also lucked out with some quick maneuvering today when a driver decided to turn left before I had cleared the intersection. Somebody up there is watching out for me, apparently.

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