Shoulder saga
Well, the shoulder is healing. Slowly. But healing. Still concerned. Trying to keep on doing my little exercises.
Sadly, another guy who works with me separated his shoulder snowboarding [yes, we can still snowboard in these parts...]. He's just 24 so his shoulder should heel quickly. And I don't know if it's his working arm or not. Hopefully not.
My company had their monthly 'safety meeting' Friday I guess, and the girl from the office was asking people to be careful in their activities, not to injure themselves and be off work without pay and all [words from the big boss, but toned down into a more gentle warning from the nice office girl...]. I don't know, I may be me interpreting things for the worst, but I find it a bit freaky that they say that to people. It's not like we're trying to hurt ourselves!
Then, I saw her again on the weekend, she was really nice and would like to go biking with me when the shoulder heals, but I was inquiring about my apprenticeship form and the sponsorship they were supposed to give me for it, and she said that she hadn't even mentioned it to the big boss! My heart sank! She said he's a bit weird with these kind of things, and that the company has to assess if they have too many ticketed carpenters... [how can you have too many freakin ticketed carpenters???]. Weird indeed!
My take on this is that the boss doesn't want to have to pay too much for his workers, and prefers unticketed chippies. Which sort of makes sense in a way, keep the overhead low, I guess. But it's also extremely backwards. Because the company receives a freakin grant from the government for every apprentice they take on! Which also guaranties a better worker and a better product, and a faster worker [in my views], not to mention a safer worker!
She said I will have to wait six months to put my application in with them! 6 freakin months doing sh*(*&T work? Mother of the lord! I have been waiting for this for 8 months now! I don't want to have to switch company again in search of sponsorship that may get cancelled again. I was thinking of going back to my old company as they seem to sponsor apprentices more readily, but they have been hiring dudes lately, and I mean, I never got a phone call! I am a bit sadden by this. I guess they didn't want me back afterall! I don't know why and I feel bad now. Why did they give me good references but don't want to hire me back?
I am fighting hard not to think: why does this always happens to me? Why is it so hard and complicated all the time in my life?
I don't want to give up
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