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Head Under Water



I'm in the middle of the week of taking supervised calls. I wish I could say I was doing alright. Yesterday was especially bad. I flunked my quizzes (I got 73, 53 and 11 over a 100 percent) I didn't do well on my calls either. The first customer got angry with me because I wasn't able to explain what happened to her bill. I ended up handing over the call to my supervisor. Fortunately she calmed down after that. As for me, I started to dread the next calls. Fortunately for me, I guess, the next customers were more patient and understanding. That didn't stop me from panicking though. I REALLY HAD NO IDEA ON WHAT TO DO.

I'm starting my shift in an hour as I write this. I'm at one of the PC's here at work. Soon I'm going to have to meet my supervisor and do this all over again. My colleagues tried to encourage me (I'm lucky to have them). But that wasn't enough to stop the anxiety that's rising right now. Oh God, I hope I'll have an easier time tonight. :(


Recommended Comments

Hi Anne ;)

Sorry youre finding it so hard right now at work, but give yourself a break hun, you only not long started and it will take you a little time to get used to customers problems, and there temper.

Congratulate yourself on exactly how much you have achieved, what was it a little over a month ago, when you decided to look for work ? Hun you are doing so very well, and I am extremely proud of you, we all are

So try stay calm, coz you will get through this, once yoou learn the "ropes" a little more :)

Have a little faith in yourself, coz we all believe you can do this :)

Take care hun


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