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Happy New Year and Happy Decade

Guest ASchwartz

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Guest ASchwartz

I want to wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year and New Decade. May 2010 be the start of health for everyone. I am not wishing you wealth because, to me, health is most important: physical and mental health. I want to also wish all of us a more peaceful world, free of all of the hatred that seems to motivate some of the politics and people we see in the news.

Second, I will be away for a few days, beginning December 31 until January 4 or 5. We are going to Florida for a couple of months and, while travelling, will not be on the Intnernet. Yes, we are driving across country. I will be online again from the 4th or 5th.

I leave things in the superb hands of Mark, DavidO and all of our wonderful moderators.

Allan :)

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