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Thanks Beth

Im just , I just feel so stuck. I always stress and over stress and overreact before Im due in court. This time, like GOSH, it is like so hard, ok, I say that everytime before Im due in court, its just so defferent this time,

This time its the final hearing, the last strand of hope that maybe just maybe this is all just like the worst of my nighmares ever, and maybe I can wake from it. They are my children, my babies, and like in what 10 hours time I have to be strong enough to try convince the courts that yeah they have all got it wrong, like its me against this countries s/services. its so major, huge, like :eek:

Its just soo very much, so hard. Such a heavy load for my heart to bare. Tomorrow I theres a realistic strong chance that I will no longer be a moma. I live for my babies, this is my worse nightmare unfolding. im scared, scared for whats happening, for whats about to happen, scared of forever loosing my babies, but mostly im scared for my children.

:( :( :(

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I can't even imagine how frightening this must be for you, Sue. I'm so sorry you are feeling sad and frightened right now. :( One thing I do know is that you will always be a momma. You are your children's mother, their blood, and nothing will ever change that fact.

Do you think there is a chance to reverse this and change their minds? If there still is, I would recommend going to the court and just being yourself. You are a sweet and pure soul who has much love to offer. I will be hoping for the miracle that you are, Sue.

I hope you are able to get some rest tonight and some peace in your heart with this.

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Realistic, facts speak and unfortunately with forced adoption, there is little if anything that can be done once it has got to the stage of a final hearing.

Its just so darn confusing and hard to explain this countries system, and how forced adoption works, what to me seems more unfair is the fact that my children are put straight up for adoption because they are still so young, if they were all over the ages of 6 this option wouldnt even be considered. and the children would be fostered to foster parents, whilst still being allowed to have contact with there birth mother. If the court decides tomorrow that they will enforce the forced adoption on the grounds of Potential Emotional Harm, then my children will be put up for adoption, I will not see or hear from my babies again. then I just have to pray to god and all the stars up above that my babies will look for me in there adult life.

Im sorry its just so hard to explain, so much is at atake for my family, and like Im the only one to try put this right, ~ somehow.

so yeah, idk. just all the things that are, whizzing round at light speed and each and every thought hurts beyond belief. Im sorry I dont even know why im writing all this down, Im just at a loss, sorry

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Dear One,

I saw this and understand that you are really struggling. Even if I knew your story, I would not understand it. But something like this, I believe, only prayers will help. And I will do that.

I understand because life itself is a struggle for me. Many times, I wonder why I am even here. But then I find a scripture that helps me move on a little further. So if you don't mind, because I believe, I will pray.

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