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SI(may trigger)


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I did SI again, with my old tool the swiss army knife <edited due to graphic description>. Looks like a sharp paper cutter as the blade goes down with a sharp side point. <edit graphic description>. Just cut again.

(Moderator note: Aaron, you are doing graphic description again. You're forgetting to be sensitive to others who are in a bad place, too and may be triggered by this. You can post about SI but without descriptions, ok? -Luna)

And I have a trigger warning do I not?


I saw you had 31 VIEWS and no replys....just wanted you to know that I hear you........ thinking of cutting myself...would be better to HURT HIM.... but then I would go to jail.... I do not look good in PRISON clothes....



I don't know what you wrote so i cannot accurately comment, but if you want you can send me a pm with all the graphics i don't mind so then i may try and help to a better degree. I hope you are doing well today i know it's hard not to cut but once you stop and find other things to fill in the pain you start to wonder why you started to begin with. I wish you well today Aaron.

your friend



Hi Aaron,

I am sorry for whatever you are going through. I have never really self harmed but my partner used to and I was there helping her when she stopped. I am happy to talk to you and if you feel a need to express it in graphic deatail you can PM me also.



Hi Aaron,

Sorry for your pain. You can PM me also, with graphics if you need to get it off your chest. And thanks for your comments in my "is anybody there?" thread about the chatroom in the Suicide thread. It's nice to know we can "chat" with somebody on a little more timely basis. I only called a crisis line once, a few months back. It wasn't terribly helpful for me as I didn't feel like they really knew how I felt. But there's nothing like talking with somebody who's going through similar experiences themselves.


Hi Aaron,

I suggest that you try to discuss the reasons you SI rather than how you did or cannot.

I sympathize that you do not have access to your coping mechanism, but can not do more without more.


And I have a trigger warning do I not?

Yes, you have a trigger warning, thank you, but it's still not OK to include graphic descriptions. You are, however, welcome to do this in PMs to those who have offered, thank you sedsed and Athena.

I am not trying to shut you up, Aaron, just trying to take care of everyone and minimise triggering.


Didnt have breakfast or lunch. Just had dinner tonight. Over 10 bloody hours of waiting to see my sister in the navy. Was canceled. See her tomorrow. Went in at 5am came home at 830pm

Guest ASchwartz

Hi Aaron,

I am also unaware of your having posted anything that would be a SI trigger or that is too descriptive. I am not implying that you did not but only that I never saw it.

Also, I want to join the others in asking what has happened to get you so very upset? I understand what you said about your sister but, still, its unclear.

All of us are concerned about you.




I see a theme here in many of the comments by others. And that is - what is CAUSING you to feel so bad? What is the SOURCE of your pain? SI is merely a symptom. I think we can get caught up in thinking about the symptom (cutting) because it is so disturbing, not only to others but to ourselves as well. Perhaps if you stop worrying about it - it is what it is, we all have our own methods of SI, yours is just a little more immediate and visible (don't get me wrong, I'm not passing judgement here, simply making an observation) I will however make another observation: A while back, you said you were moving to the Suicide Forum. Yet you are still here. So I would argue that you want to live and you need to start focusing on how to live in a way that makes you happy. What do you think?


Aaron she did not mean it as an attack she was simply suggesting that their might be another reason your still here and i think it would make sense you've made friends, or at least u know people actually care about you here and want the best for you. she is not saying you should go in any way, also i would miss you so don't take what she was saying the wrong way ok Aaron.


Justtrying you are welcome to post anything you wish if you've "been there" maybe it could shine some light on the situation your almost always allowed to say your opinion unless it's hurtful then i suggest withholding it. But you don't need anyone's permission to post on a particular thread especially if what you have to say is helpful and relevant.


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