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So idk why I have SPS???


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I always knew i was around 5.5 inches and thought I always had a small penis. Buttt I officially measured myself (17 years old) and it turned out to be 6.1 inches in length and girth around 4.7 inches. I'm just not sure why I think I have a small penis when i'm on the higher scale of average... Is it a perspective thing when you're looking down? I have no clue. I feel a bit better but still can't convince myself.. any advice?

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Get a therapist, the case is pretty clear. Nobody here can tell you anything else besides that it's average size. It's called body dysmorphia = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_dysmorphic_disorder#Treatment

Also, I would commit unspeakable acts of horror to have your size....6 in length and almost 5 in girth is pretty decent, and yes, a penis does look smaller from above.

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Your length is the societal average of 6 inches although the statistical average is around 5-5.5 inches. (Jessie, not sure where you get your stats, but you continously quote 6-7 inches as the average, when every study in existence ranges from 5 to 5.9 inches with the highest average being the condom average and the lowest average being more accurate) So you are above average in length. Your girth is average. Accept it and understand that you are as slightly over average in length and average in girth. I'm roughly 5 inches in length not bone pressed and 4.75 at the thickest point, making me almost dead on average. I'm also 5'6 1/2 in height, which makes me nearly 3 inches below average in height for a male, so I'm glad to be endowed the way that I am. If you don't get over this issue, it may haunt you into your mid twenties and later, so I urge you to seek therapy or just accept it and embrace your good qualities.

Note that you are longer than the majority of people on this planet. I suggest that you embrace that fact and enjoy your life. I'm in my mid twenties and I developed this issue at your age also and have been told that 5 inches in length was a good length by previous partners (prior to even mentioning my size or engaging in relations) So it is no doubt that women enjoy and are aware of the average length.

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I am a walking data base on the subject of size.

There are significant issues with the other studies you mention that give 5-6.

Kinsey had a large sample and clever bone pressed methodology IMO unmatched by the other systems.

It also had full details of methodology up to clinical standards which others do not.

Critically it matches what women say about white guys.

Kinsey says the ave is 6.4 length and 5.0 width. With 5 in length and 4.7 in width being on the bottom of the bell curve (bottom 15%)

We could squabble all day about the pros and cons of different studies,

Importantly we both agree the poster has little to worry about.

Ps as bundy says I would perhaps kill to have your size! My life would be so different

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Self reporting studies are always high and those are the 6-7 ones; third party objective measurements put the average at 5-6". Seriously, even size queens say 7 is big. Anyone who ever took statistics 101 knows that knowing the average of a population without knowing the median value can be misleading as extreme values distort the data.

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7 is at at the top of the bell curve so 15% of men are 7 or 7+ and yes, by definition thats big.

and this is for bone pressed too, which is a tad longer than just visual.

the trouble with studies involving clinician measurements is that they are unlikely to be bone pressed (as thats so intimate) and unlikely to be at absolute hardness thus skewing the results low.

some studies are not even on erect penises! some are on stretched penises only. some are even on flaccid penises with a prediction equation!

I can show you an american show clip when an expert says the average is only 5.5 inches and the women in the audience are incredulous and the expert has to convince them he's not fibbing.

The kinda thing I have seen numerous times in real life.

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Get a therapist, the case is pretty clear. Nobody here can tell you anything else besides that it's average size. It's called body dysmorphia = http://en.wikipedia....order#Treatment

Also, I would commit unspeakable acts of horror to have your size....6 in length and almost 5 in girth is pretty decent, and yes, a penis does look smaller from above.

Your length is the societal average of 6 inches although the statistical average is around 5-5.5 inches. (Jessie, not sure where you get your stats, but you continously quote 6-7 inches as the average, when every study in existence ranges from 5 to 5.9 inches with the highest average being the condom average and the lowest average being more accurate) So you are above average in length. Your girth is average. Accept it and understand that you are as slightly over average in length and average in girth. I'm roughly 5 inches in length not bone pressed and 4.75 at the thickest point, making me almost dead on average. I'm also 5'6 1/2 in height, which makes me nearly 3 inches below average in height for a male, so I'm glad to be endowed the way that I am. If you don't get over this issue, it may haunt you into your mid twenties and later, so I urge you to seek therapy or just accept it and embrace your good qualities.

Note that you are longer than the majority of people on this planet. I suggest that you embrace that fact and enjoy your life. I'm in my mid twenties and I developed this issue at your age also and have been told that 5 inches in length was a good length by previous partners (prior to even mentioning my size or engaging in relations) So it is no doubt that women enjoy and are aware of the average length.

I appreciate both opinions and comments and suggestions. But i'm 17, how am I going to bring that across to my parents? "Yeah I think I have a small dick, I think I need a therapist" they wouldn't take me seriously, and even if they did, it'd be incredibly embarrassing. I've lost multiple sexual opportunities to the way I think.. kinda ruined a little bit of my childhood, as it's slowly slipping away now... im 17, i'm going to be an ADULT soon. it's just crazy how my teenage years are just about over.. when i swear just last year i was 13 or 14. *sigh* BACK ON TOPIC: Yeah is there any other ways? But, I think the reason I LOOK small, is because im semi-tallish (5"11) and 200 pounds. so chubby.. maybe if I lose weight it'll look normal :) ... thanks you guys (:

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7 is at at the top of the bell curve so 15% of men are 7 or 7+ and yes, by definition thats big.

and this is for bone pressed too, which is a tad longer than just visual.

the trouble with studies involving clinician measurements is that they are unlikely to be bone pressed (as thats so intimate) and unlikely to be at absolute hardness thus skewing the results low.

some studies are not even on erect penises! some are on stretched penises only. some are even on flaccid penises with a prediction equation!

I can show you an american show clip when an expert says the average is only 5.5 inches and the women in the audience are incredulous and the expert has to convince them he's not fibbing.

The kinda thing I have seen numerous times in real life.

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yeah you have to sift through a lot of BS.

There is a lot of false crap- humiliation porn, adverts for penis enlargements etc.

But there is genuine stuff- Oprah, TV Sex Docs, GCTV4, Street Surveys by established companies and programs, proper documentaries, Authentic Web Sites eg Embarrassing Bodies, Ch4 Sex Education Show, Sex Guru Site, THe O-Tapes, Single Girls. etc

For the Sex Education Show, the experts said 'there is more to sex than size' but then it ran clips of members of the public on a range of issues.

One set was called 'bad sexual experiences". There are no prizes for guessing what the women referred to in those cups. :(

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I wouldn't date a bald guy. ;-)

Jess, there is a chance that you're obsessing a little, perhaps on top of your concerns about size. It might be worth bringing that up with your therapist, as what might potentially be a separate issue. If it turns out to be a little bit of OCD, they can help reduce the urgency you feel to keep searching. I don't know whether that would help your worries about size or not, but it might help you spend your spare time doing something else, like preparing for the zombie apocalypse, or whatever.

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I only obess when I have nothing to do. I felt great this weekend. Played some sports, went out with freinds. Soon as the weekend ended its time to feed and fuel my insecurity. I think from now on when I get home from work I'm going to run and lift immediately and not jerk off online.

Jessie yet again I agree with you. We could probably have our own law firm if we used our time more wisely

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But your brain is fine, Jess (at least as far as food value goes). I'd stay away from cemeteries, if I were you. ;-)

I know the first requirement is idleness. But I would also suggest there might be some value in trying to track your thought process once you're idle. You might find a characteristic pattern that leads you into thoughts of insecurity. That thought pattern is derailed by activity.

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I'm just not sure why I think I have a small penis when i'm on the higher scale of average...

Who says average is good enough? Plus I don’t think any human being aims for average we all want to be special and have best of the best...so its natural to feel disappointed with anything less then 7 inches +

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Sure, it's natural to want to be the best of the best. But this is where we collide with reality: most of us will be lucky to be the best human we can be, much less the best human alive.

But since we're all unique, being special is easy. You don't have to aim for it; being special is free.

Being perfect, however, isn't even possible. You can try to fight that, but you won't win.

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But since we're all unique, being special is easy. You don't have to aim for it; being special is free.

I never could understand this “were all unique” lets hold hand and sing kumbay thing...We are not unique we are all very similar with some humans having above average looks and penis size, and that’s about it...And those who have been gifted with good gens have much better life then those who are not...and its a proven fact that.

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