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Alive but barely breathing

It's a vicious circle.. this fight.. and right now I feel like I have hit rock bottom, have been for the past few months.. this is definitely one of the lowest points I have ever been..mentally.. I don't want to give up, but oh how I want to at the same time. Funny because I know I have had to conquer situations in my life that were worse than this.. but somehow right now I feel like I am faced with my entire past, failures, paths I should have taken, just this negative thinking is getting the b



Whatever the reason

I have never felt this way before, I have felt many things in my life, but this is just something else,, I didn't think I was like this... Maybe it's because I am adopted.. That growing up I never actually felt like I belonged, I was always the "outcast". My half sister was from a previous marriage with my mom, and she was 8 years older than I was.. and for siblings that's a pretty huge gap.. So we never had a "sisterly bond" , never got along , etc. I grew up in a dysfunctional home.. My pare



April 13, 2003- My biggest regret

It takes a long time to really forget regret, doesn't it? And no matter how hard we try, there are always reminders/situations which come up which makes you go right back to that point in time. I'm asking if you are reading this to please not judge- and underestand that I have suffered a great deal because of this situation. When I was 14, I fell in love. This guy was everything to me- and since he was my first, it was that much more intense. I thought I was going to marry him- he thought he wa



Maybe not today, but someday...

Someday I will be able to open the blinds, and let the light shine in; rather than letting it burn. Someday I will look in the mirror and force a smile, even though it hurts. Someday my heart won't be in so much pain, and I will remember what it feels like to love myself. Someday I will laugh more, on the days where I feel like there's nothing to live for. Someday I will learn to be more positive, rather then focusing on the negative. Someday I will wake up and be the happiest person in the wo



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