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The Man Behind the Couch



I came to him, a broken soul,

On an accidental, winding road.

Somehow it was meant to be

I can't explain, i've yet to see

Just what it means that*I am here

Can he take away my fear?

Can I stay just long enough

To find myself, my heart, my love

I know they're hidden deep inside

Why is it that I have to hide*

The part of me that's barely there

The only part that really cares

To find out why I'm really here

These parts of me they are at war

The child is yearning to get out

Nobody hears her cries, her shouts

Except perhaps this hidden man

I trust he's doing all he can

Sometimes I feel him there with me

Sometimes he's in another galaxy

He showed me once I am alive

But it was too much, I had to hide

The memory is enough for now

But soon I have to find out how

To get back out and see the sun

The flesh won't be forever young

God let me out, please set me free

Throw me down that golden key

So I may truly come alive*

Before it is my time to die

Just let this man who sits behind

Pull me out for good next time



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Thanks Sedsed,

I mentioned it to my therapist. He wants to see it because sometimes the words just don't come out any other way. I don't suppose there's anything too humiliating in there to show him so I probably will print it off for him next week (obviously about him).

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Great poem! :) No reason to hesitate - it's for your therapist, he should see it! :( I'm sure he'll like it (althought he might not tell it and he'll only "stay purely professional" and concentreate on the meaning...)

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