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It's ... ALIVE!



I guess the first thing is: I'm sorry.

Sure, the commute to work takes longer, and involves my introvert self being shut into subway cars full of people, usually.

And sure, the divorce is heating up, with my answers to interrogatories and document discovery due to my lawyer next week.

And I did come home tonight to find a new protective order filed against me, though I haven't been anywhere near my wife for months (I can't remember the last time I saw her.)

The part I'm sorry about is the rest of it. I could certainly find fifteen minutes to come here on a weekend ...

The problem has been that I couldn't figure out how. I don't know how to be here "just a little". My identity here has been as the guy who reads everything. Now I hear about things secondhand, if at all.

Well, at least I've broken up the all-or-nothing streak ...

I hope everyone's well (as can be expected), and I apologize if I worried anyone.


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Glad to have you check in again, Mark. I did wonder where you disappeared to. Anyway, now that you've told us you haven't been around, you have a great excuse to be absolutely clueless about what everybody's been up to here.

I'm sorry you're having to put up with silly games from your ex. I feel for you and hope you can get it over with fairly, quickly and with not too much (more) pain involved.

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Hello, Mark!! :-)

I know about at least two blog posts (except for/besides the one by Pseudome here) mentioning "I miss Mark" (one from Ken Ian, the other from myself :o) (-that's one of the "secondhand-heard things"? :P)...

The problem has been that I couldn't figure out how. I don't know how to be here "just a little". My identity here has been as the guy who reads everything.

(Or "the guy who can reply to everything" :D...)

I can imagine this feeling :(...

I've broken up the all-or-nothing streak

Good for you!! :-) I see it like a part of the learning that you don't have to avoid making decisions with the aim of not hurting others. You'll decide what to read and what to reply to without feeling guilty for "neglecting" other posts - am I right? ;-)

(BTW, one hint/help: you can easily skip replying to my approx. 2 weeks old PM as... it really doesn't need a reply, it was "just a vent" ;-)...)

I'm sorry about the ugly divorce :-( and wish you what Athena has already written...

Good luck!!! :-)

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