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Why does CBT not work when you most need it?

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Having had over 20 sessions with my Psychologist, CBT based I am most of the time able to turn around negative thoughts.

When my mood is very low, I totally believe the negative thoughts and am unable to use the CBT to turn myself around. This can have dangerous consquences.

Today my thinking is more rational, but last night everything was black.


Edited by goose
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Hey goose,

Do you think that maybe its coz the depression has taken you over so much that, the depression makes you believe you cant do it, so you just dont try as hard as you usually would say on a easier day.

Dont know if that makes sense I struggle with my CBT on a average day, but find it impossible to sometimes even get the grasp of it on a lousy day.

So sorry you had such a rough night goose, do you think that maybe your meds miight need altering a little, to help you feel a little less low. Then maybe you will be able to concentrate more on the CBT.

Dont think what I have said will help, but really just wanted to let you know that your not the only one that struggles with this sometimes, and well that we are all here and that we do care.

take care goose


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Thanks Jj,

Yes I think I am in the grip of my depression at the moment, just didn't want to admit it.

I have ongoing problems with my son which is the reason for these dips in mood (see my blog).

I honestly don't think that more medication will help, I just need to learn to cope with the situation, because this is going to be long term stress. The future looks bleak.

It is good to be able to talk to soemone who understands how it feels.



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Guest ASchwartz

Hi Goose,

Checked into this forum and am wondering how you are now doing? How are things with your son and with your feelings of depression. By the way, I agree that more medicine is not the answer.


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Thank you Allan for your reply.

We had a serious incident at the week-end with our son, unfortunately this has deeply effected his sister, and this is not fair. I have been crying constantly since.

I have been in touch with my pdoc, for an appointment next week. I will also be seeing my Psychologist before that, have been in touch with him and we will discuss it fully and I will be guided by him.

I have read your recent article on resilience and see that as the way to go for me.


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  • 1 month later...

goose - its easy to get attached to bad feelings. studies of the brain show its easier to remember the bad things that happen then the positive things. go figure. its like an addiction that you can't let go of. the more you focus on the negative, the more you feel the negative of it. once you trained yourself to focus on the negative, your natural response is to focus on the negative.

i hope everything is getting better for you. god bless.

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Thanks ttjack. I do think I have got a little better at not allowing the negative thoughts take over since the original post.

I do have a habit of slipping sometimes.

Feeling really good today ~ long may it last.;)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Goose

I know exactly how you feel. When you need it the most, all of the therapy in the world can't help and can't seem to tap into it....

Why is that?? I have been struggling with that but with Bipolar, sorry I'm new, not sure if you have that, but, going from the negative to the positive in 2 seconds flat is killing me.... If you get some answers, please let me know? Thanks ;)

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