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Group Home - financial and basic obligations


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I have a sibling in a group home, and I wondering where to find discussion on basic obligations (general consensus) on group home (Maryland) financial responsibility versus client family responsibilities. Also, guidelines for taking her social security check and providing less than adequate furniture etc. Thanks

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Well, I'm just across the river in Northern Virginia, but that isn't going to help you much ...

But I did do a Google search for "maryland social services group home", and there's some stuff there.

You would be better equipped to evaluate it, though, knowing the age of the person, the reason why they're in a home (voluntary or court-ordered, for instance), and a lot more. But it seems that Maryland administers and licenses the group homes that it uses, so you would have some recourse if you have a complaint. Assuming this is a long-term disability type of thing, I would assume there are both state and federal programs available to help with the financial end, but I don't know specifically how much.

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