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What I Don't Know



It occurs to me to ask myself how badly do I need to know what I don't know.

Now, I realize that could sound conceited, but it's not. I'm readily aware of how much there is left to know. Nor am I at risk of losing my curiosity to find out more.

But after approximately half a century here, the question is, how much more knowledge do I really need? Are there more facts that I need, in order to be happy/content/satisfied with my life?

It seems to me that the answer is no. In fact, the facts that I do know have contributed relatively little to my satisfaction. They do interest me; they give me the opportunity to make conversation, or at least to show off my ability at recall.

But what's going to make me happy to have lived isn't going to be how much I knew, but how well I used it; how well I integrated knowledge into the life of a whole human.

This naturally leads to the question of what else it takes to make a whole human. You'll have to pardon me if that seems obvious to you. To me, growing up, intellect was the only quality I recognized in myself, and the only skill I made an effort to develop. I'd say it's about time I came up with a coherent plan to develop the rest of it ...

I'm only going to list other traits here. I suspect other people's strengths and weaknesses are quite different from mine, in many cases. But for me, I would like to continue to increase my empathy and connection to my emotions, my intuition, and my creativity. It's not that I truly lack any of these qualities; I tend to believe that we're all born "complete", with all the raw materials we need to build a complete human. It's just that we need to practice them, try them out on different problems to see which ones work for each, and then to use them in our daily lives.

I'll let you know how it goes.


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(it was a joke, sue. There was a big overreaction to the quake. The picture of the lawn chair tipped over is supposed to be representative of the level of damage the quake caused. :))

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Oh, that's just cruel. :-P

So, okay, it was nothing compared to life on the West Coast, but remember, I've lived here 50 years and never even felt an earthquake before. It's different from growing up with them.

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Heh. "I didn't flip you off, I just curled all the other fingers back out of the way ..." :-P

If I couldn't survive being made fun of, I'dve popped like a balloon back when I was a kid. :-)

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For me, the confusing part was the eagle. But it was meant to resemble lots of patriotic "never forget" images from the aftermath of 9/11. We've been saturated in the media for the last month or so with tenth-anniversary stories, mostly because they're guaranteed to sell. Believe me, when you live in the same county as the Pentagon, you're not likely to forget. I knew a guy who was in there when it happened. He knew people who died.

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I love you too, Sue.

I notice you took Digger off. I would suggest that doing something active like that means that you're starting to feel something, again. Otherwise, you'd probably just leave her there.

Would it help to talk to us about it?

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Chair-y barely noticed the rumblies. She's got wheels.

She is getting a little tired of having my carcass sprawled all over her, but we're both hoping I'm not stuck here that much longer.

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its a very special chair is chair-y, and if I remember I think its mine :)

Im sure I tried swapping big bros chair with a plastic one that was in my hospital room a couple of years ago - though cant remember if big bro agreed to the trade - oops :o

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Yeah, that's it: Sue had a chair in her hospital room, but it wasn't fancy, and there was a nursey planted on top of it all the time. So one day, she offered to swap me her nursey (and the chair) for my office chair. I think we had agreed in principle, but we hadn't worked out the shipping arrangements ... ;-)

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oh my gosh I'd forgotten I offered to swap nursey too :(

now that is funny :o

erm we may have to agree on a different nursey now big bro - im sure this one is just as planted as the last one - and your be pleased to hear the chair she is planted on is wayyyy comfier than the old plastic one :o

alas it still has no wheels though :)

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Well, the point never was the chair, was it? ;-)

You wanted to ship me the nursey who had to watch you, and I suggested that you should swap places with her. Put her in the bed and you could sit in the chair and watch her. But then you said that it wasn't a very comfy chair, and of course I suggested that you could sit on the padded nursey, and so on ...

Our conversations often make little objective sense. :-)

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erm.......... i cant remember fully to be fair - it was a couple of years ago :o

still got a gut feeling it had something to do with the fact I couldnt play spinners on the one I had - but yeah your probably right :(

And............. Our conversations ALWAYS make sense - well to me anyway :)

So we still on for the trade ~ apparently I need to find a box with air holes now :o

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