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just popping by ☺



Ive had a really busy insane (in a good way) couple of weeks. And haave learnt lots !!!!

Work is going really well, and shock horror Im even enjoying it :o

My mood swings have calmed down considerably, still have my hyper moments and really strong urges to be daft, but generally Im managing to control them myself - bar one or two slip ups, this is me though, right?

I go down south to visit various family members of a weekend, and that has been eye opening. Found out so much that I didnt know about and it isnt exactly a smooth ride where that is concerned - but it is one of those things that I just have to do. So its a case of put up and shut up, on many disscusions.

Went to see my parents graves, that was brain numbing, especially as I felt I could have been standing at a complete strangers graveside and felt more warmth and compassion. I felt nothing not a damn thing not even anger - needless to say I wont be going back there again.

Life isnt easy - but it is managable, and Im getting on ewith it the best I can. Some nights I shed a few tears, but then some nights I could be just like anyone else is this world and do stuff that others my age do :D

This was meant to be a quick up date - guess it is kinda long - ooops :)

Hope your all ok, oh and Hi :)


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