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i REALLY dislike 2 of my housemates.



well today sucked. it was the worst st. patricks day i've ever had in my whole life. i don't even feel like talking about why. i spent most of today crying in the house on my own. well that's no surprise is it????? it sucked. and it was all because of 2 of my housemates. they are probably the most fake people i have ever met.


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therapy went REALLY badly today. REAALLLY badly. like it reached a whole new level of badness.. she told me i sounded angry. [and i was a little angry coz she kept asking me the same stupid questions over and over] then she asked are you angry? and i said yeah. and she said why and i said because you keep asking me the same questions over and over again even though i keep saying that i don't know the answer. then i told her if i knew the answer i'd tell her. then awkward silence. i thought she'd get the message, BUT NO!

guess what she said next.............


i've never met someone who misunderstands me so much in my life. >:D| it makes me so angry. then she kept positioning her hand so i could see her new engagement ring and that pissed me off too >:o|

when i'm silent she doesn't understand that i'm just not good at saying stuff even though i've told her millions of times. she says i'm SELF-PITYING. i've never felt so low coming out of an appointment before. she's like a ROBOT >:(| plus i am a little grumpy today coz i got no sleep last night after the fight. it makes me Sick just thinking about it now. people are such ASSHOLES. and another thing that bothered me was last week in my appointment we talked about me maybe transferring to another college. and i asked her did she know if there was a career person in the college that i could get details from and she said yeah and she said she would contact the career lady for me coz she works in the other college building that's ages away. she told me she'd give her my number and get her to call me. but today she asked me if i had gone to the careers person yet and i said no[obviously she forgot] then she made me feel bad. i hate STUPID THERAAAAAAAAAAPY. and i feel like i'm gonna be sick :o(

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You have the option to give up, the same as the rest of us.

I can't see how that would work any better for you, though.

If you don't work to change anything, things're liable to stay the way they are, or somewhere similar.

Okay, so maybe your therapist misunderstood what you were saying. Wouldn't that be the time to explain it to her, further? Maybe, in fact, she just asked you a question, not because she was convinced you were blaming her, but just to see what you would say ...

Can you give me an example of one of the questions she asked that you didn't know the answer to?

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Heya Blossomy!!! :)

I'm sorry about yer sucky therapist:mad:

Maybe you could ask her to do art therapy with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That would be totally AWESOME!!!!!!! :) Then it wouldn't matter as much that she was sucky, you'd be doing expressive stuff!

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it's nice out today!! there's something a little wrong with my neck though... i can't turn it to the right coz it hurts so bad. i think i just slept on it the wrong way.. oops...

so i am trying to get my neck right again coz RAG WEEEEK sttarts tooooooooooonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my cousin is coming with me to my house tonight and she'll come out with us tooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! i just need to get my neck right and everrrrrrrrrrything will be oooooooook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey kaudio and hey finding!!!

yeah the security man called the police and they got arrested i think!

my neck.... hmmm. see i had a knot in my neck... and last night when i was drunk i tried to massage it to get rid of the knot. i didn't do a very good job coz i have a bruise on my neck where i tried to massage it.. so really i probably just made it a lot worse!!!!!!!

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i had my progress review in college this morning. my tutor was nice to me but she called me a ditz. she advised me to pick painting over print so i think that's what i'll do!!!

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