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My thoughts on this matter are not fact - but just a representation of my ideas regarding women. What I observed accounts for ''most women'' not all so forgive me for not excluding about 15% or so in every statement I make. 


My initial observation regarding women is that they are most wired into their pleasure principle and superego. The ego is much weaker than that in men would explain a deficit in linear movement or logic, and this is why men probably find them to be ''self righteous & circular'' a lot of the time. Their drive to happiness gives the misconception that they are both sympathetic & empathetic, but I believe this not to be the case at all. Their ''empathy/sympathy'' seeks to preserve their moral right and wrong, and these vary throughout their lives. A man is typically morally rigid - and because he is so hard wired into his death drive - more often than not he will accept his crimes as he does them. Try listening to a woman who confesses to a transgression …. crickets …… and this is because they shape their morals in a manner that is self approving. They are only very vaguely and briefly wrong, other than that they are always right.


It seems their most obvious conflict arises from their strongest needs to ''take form'' (which is to be intimately shaped by the events around them) and the need for ''admiration''. When men seek approval through accomplishments, accolades, and material goods - while placing a purely intrinsic value on those achievements. It would make sense therefore that a woman would seek out a resourceful and accomplished man - but the values she would place on his (or her own) worldly faculties are much less intrinsic and require the need to be in regards to how they utilise them. That's why women typically spend their money - to adore themselves in nice clothes and makeup - this example is a prime one, because it shows their immediate need to transform resources into enablers for admiration and taking form.


There is only one type of woman that comes to mind that can reconcile the need to ''take form'' and to be ''admired'' and that is a truly (physically) beautiful woman. Their beauty acts to enable the world shaping them (people, specifically) while simultaneously making them feel admired. Other than that, the conflict is a strong one and it goes on to shape a great deal of the mess we have come to know and appreciate in women. This is why subconsciously (actually, it's preconsciously for women) women seek out wealthy (relative definition) men. A woman see's a man's assets as avenues, each of which has an arrow pointing to a progress (for her and them) of some kind. Simultaneously, the journey down these avenues might and should get them the admiration they need, through status, adorning themselves with their material benefits, and through ''moral'' utilisation of these pathways. (Note that If these were her own assets, she couldn't take form as much as she would be forced into giving form, which is why you'll find that most women would rather marry a rich man than win the lottery). If a woman lacks the obvious assets to walk down a path that her man has carved out for her, then she would instead want these arrows to point in her direction - rather than to go through them. This is why if a rich man marries a woman sub - par in looks, she would very rarely walk the road with him, and seek to ''emasculate'' him via his endeavours so to limit his direction to where she can handle.


So where does penis size come into this? Going back to the need for taking form and admiration. There is no greater giver of physical, mental and emotional form to a woman, than a big penis. It means more in this regard than a strong build, handsomeness, charisma - anything that a woman says she likes in a man. The more beautiful the woman, the greater the need for a big penis to satisfy her need of taking form. (It takes a big penis to trump such beauty). A penis is not a sexual organ for a woman - it is a man's measure. It is his reach, it is his force, it his ability to invade and to sustain his invasion. It is the ultimate male strength, in and out of the bedroom. And should a big-penis man not be so dominant in every day life - a woman would simply regard it is being unfulfilled potential, not a lack of (Which is why small penis men are seen as over achievers). With the above comes admiration. Do we really think a woman that's with a well endowed man won't mention it to her friends? It is the biggest compliment to her. Conversely, a user did mention that his girlfriend, with no ''personal'' objection to his size, didn't want her friends to know about it (and rightly so). Because a small penis, for her, is a reflection of her desirability. To some degree she can pin it on the man so long as it stays private, but once it comes out, she will be made to feel extremely undesirable by his lack in size. (Conversely, this is why an unattractive woman who has accepted she's unattractive, would settle for a smaller sized man while a woman that is grappling with this would probably display sexually deviant behaviour). Oops did I say deviant? I meant liberal.


Anyway - I have made the effort to be fair and objective. This post is not an attack on women, but I am trying to simply lift the lid on their ''elusive'' (nothing is elusive with understanding) natures. I would not be so quick to label women as being nurturing empaths. I think we are all misled by their conduct (and it is this conduct that men fall in love with - it is lovely isn't it?) rather than the underlying driving forces. There are many variations and I think some of which cause anomalies - making for even pretty women not to require a big penis to take form. Hope I haven't pissed anyone off, this is just my personal understanding. 


Ding, ding indeed ☺️ I'm intrigued where you get the 15% figure, meaning you think a massive 85% of women behave and objectify in this way, rather than seeing men as individuals with all the complexities of that. Also the idea that someone would rather marry a rich man than win the lottery in their own right ...

Just to add, I would agree that not all women are nurturing empaths, though, even in so called caring professions. Some are v caring, some are not.



Taking out a realistic percentage for women who aren't malignant cunts, like you did, I can't disagree. I don't see men fairing much better under the same scrutiny, but that's another topic covered by every feminist for the past few hundred years.


Very interesting..... The femminist movement would burn you at the stake for suggesting this by the way.

With all of your efforts to be fair and objective, what you are suggesting  at the end of the day saying is that it is in women's nature to be  are superficial opportunists. And of course that people in forum are fucked.

BTW where are the hordes of people who contradicted me on being defined by your penis? 


Can anyone objectively & accurately refute the points I made? Any man or woman on this subforum is welcome to share their view. My views are not from a POV of hate. I, like most, appreciate the feminine touch women bring. I just make an attempt to look under the bonnet from time to time. One must understand that action & mannerisms are two separate entities. Women might be softer in their manners, but their actions are much more self serving than men. That is a fact beyond any measure of doubt.


Look out for the little obvious things. Ever notice how women are more decisive in breakups than men? How they move on more quickly? How they always want the last say im arguments? How they insist men change for them? What about the way they love? Notice how they seem to love being loved by a man & how he treats her - more than actually loving him? Why does this contradict this sweet, nurturing & sympathetic view we have of them? Because they manner themselves differently. Women are extremely selfish in comparison to men. 


I actually admire their selfishness. It's something I'm in desperate need of. I envy their ability to self indulge. So I'm not hating, just calling it the way I see it. 

On 9/8/2018 at 11:06 AM, jazz said:

Ding, ding indeed ☺️ I'm intrigued where you get the 15% figure, meaning you think a massive 85% of women ...


Yes. You're special.


Tbh, it's not groundbreaking, we all know these things are true. Women have been doing this exact thing since time began. Lugging us into one group and painting us all with one testosterone soaked brush. "It's men, the problem is men." Social media is constantly whining about women being underrepresented in this, that and the other. Poor women, so pathetic and weak, let's start opening doors and pulling some strings, let's give them that guy's job over there. So doing the same thing to them isn't exactly difficult, because they all display at least some of the negative characteristics mentioned. I think the only way to counter the reality of it is to somehow traverse that minefield and find real people in amongst it. Hopefully find someone to fall in love with along the way. Tom was always honest with his wife, way more honest than made me feel comfortable, and over years I'd tried to be honest with limited success, I'd usually clam up. But recently I've been more honest about what we go through, because when it's left unsaid, we end up dead. Friends and families completely confused about why, never getting any answers. And it's all right here, this is how we treat eachother. I don't disagree with anything Small said, it's all true. But it's all of us on psycho planet. In my life I've found men and women to be equally as fucked up and cruel in their own very special ways. Constantly projecting their own insecurities on to anyone who they can get away with doing it to. I don't think SPS will ever be looked at as an illness, it'll always be looked at as a character flaw. All I can do is forgive it and let it go. These last 10 years have been shit for my self confidence, that could be my weight or it could be the availability of porn full of huge cocks. If it's the latter I truly fear for the mental health of the next generation of men. I feel ok atm, it's been shit recently, but the time is short. 


You ok YOTH?  I agree men are under attack but at the same time it's important that we not turn a blind eye to the good things in life.

It sounds like you have family and time to spent w them and your a healthy and bright young guy.  I don't say that to shame you for feeling bad because that's horrible, we feel what we feel, but to encourage you to broaden your outlook when you feel down.  



I'm fine tbh @Victimorthecrime. But sometimes being honest about thoughts is therapeutic. It puts them in order. And I've never said that this place works, it doesn't, it's pointless unless looked at as a classroom. I have faith that this isn't all there is, it's a battlefield and above the battlefield is where I aim to go. Most people believe in some form of God, and that's what I'm going back to. This nightmare is what we did with free will. God/heaven is a changeless state of perfection, but we knew better and this open prison/mental hospital is the result. Love doesn't need explaining, that's what I focus on. But this universe of judgement is what we all want right now. It's a place to come when we want to feel like a weak, vulnerable individual and it does exactly what it says on the tin, it doesn't disappoint. Women, like everyone else on Earth are cruel insufferable cunts, it's a defence mechanism against feeling like a cruel insufferable cunt, you have to sift through a lot of shit to find little flecks of gold. It's a do it to them before they do it to you world, that's it's motto. They can't help it...neither can I. I wish I knew everyone in here irl so we could hang out without this shit hanging over us. I had that with Tom, but it didn't matter. We suffer alone, our salvation will be reached by us alone. I don't hate them for doing what they do, they're dancing to the same tune we all do. But the time is definitely short, if you've always wanted to do something, do it. Or don't, and just  try to find any happiness you can get your hands on. I'm keeping busy, trying new things, distracting myself. 

  • 2 months later...

I am a very big fan of small's theory.  Even though he is quite adament of it not having misogynistic propeties he doesnt fool me.

I would like to start a discussion about what gives men a women sexual pleasure.

From my own, albeit limited experience what gives men sexual pleasure can be reduced into two categories (spoiler alert. they both involve inserting the penis into the vagina)
1. you truly love your partner and want her to feel good i.e it feels good to give her sexual pleasure because you have feeling for her and she deserves to feel good.
2. you are driven exclusively by sexual desire. no feelings involved..... lust. This is what we see in porn movies and on my part what I jerk off to.

Both can be involved during intercourse, but these two are roughly what drives my sexuality.

If we turn to women in gets more complicated. I think at least. apart from the obvious clitoral- vaginal stimulation apparantly male ejakulation also plays a part importance https://www.jsm.jsexmed.org/article/S1743-6095(18)31158-5/fulltext.

They say women have sex with their brains. I wonder how that works, obviously fantasies yes but can it be reduced in to categories like I tried with men?
For example I have also noticed that women are more likely to have their eyes closed during sex (of course this could be because they are thinking about another guy while have sex with me, or imagining something else than my 6 inch pencil dick).

I know that this forum is possibly the worst place in the world to ask this question.

  • 1 month later...
On 9/8/2018 at 5:20 AM, Small said:

So where does penis size come into this? Going back to the need for taking form and admiration. There is no greater giver of physical, mental and emotional form to a woman, than a big penis. It means more in this regard than a strong build, handsomeness, charisma - anything that a woman says she likes in a man. The more beautiful the woman, the greater the need for a big penis to satisfy her need of taking form. (It takes a big penis to trump such beauty). A penis is not a sexual organ for a woman - it is a man's measure. It is his reach, it is his force, it his ability to invade and to sustain his invasion. It is the ultimate male strength, in and out of the bedroom. And should a big-penis man not be so dominant in every day life - a woman would simply regard it is being unfulfilled potential, not a lack of (Which is why small penis men are seen as over achievers). With the above comes admiration. Do we really think a woman that's with a well endowed man won't mention it to her friends? It is the biggest compliment to her. Conversely, a user did mention that his girlfriend, with no ''personal'' objection to his size, didn't want her friends to know about it (and rightly so). Because a small penis, for her, is a reflection of her desirability. To some degree she can pin it on the man so long as it stays private, but once it comes out, she will be made to feel extremely undesirable by his lack in size. (Conversely, this is why an unattractive woman who has accepted she's unattractive, would settle for a smaller sized man while a woman that is grappling with this would probably display sexually deviant behaviour). Oops did I say deviant? I meant liberal.

This I agree, because it's something irrational and deep in our culture. The rest it doesn't correlate at all with women I know, they are way more empathetic than men. I must be very lucky then.

Then there are some misconceptions in what feminism is, but I won't go into that.

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