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I'm sorry that I couldn't spend much time at the party; part of my excuse is the birthday girl being several timezones later than I am ...

I also never really mastered balloon animals, but I do a real good balloon snake!! I'm not sure what a balloon lower intestine would be like. I have a fair idea of the anatomy; I just have no idea what to fill it with.

But on the other hand, how many people do you get to meet with naturally rainbow-colored eyes? :-P

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Sorry Luna,,,I think we got a bit crazy, I was going to wake up early and come in and clean up, but slept in instead.:P

Malign I think if you start with a balloon snake, but keep going and attaching several snakes together I think you will come close to a lower intestine, what do ya think Hotspot.

Sad Mike that there are so many new residents at the cemetary, but could you think of a better welcoming committee to the next life other than Domino...I can't. I think he has created himself a new job. It would be interesting to know what those paranormal people would think.

Well, I don't know about you Jedidiah, but I think I had to much cotton candy and cake and bouncing. We sure did leave a mess, I think we should be proud of ourselves.

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All I know is I woke up in a deflated bounce house wearing multiple party hats. I am also happy that I woke today after the needed massive clean up. I really enjoyed the party.

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It was a nice party evident by the mess left and Jedidiah awaking in a deflated bounce house. lol

I would very much like to see Shannon's pink poodle. I think our clown needs to practice making balloon animals or parts of human anatomy before our next get together. I think for Luna's party we will have to get up in the middle of the night to party.

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I think I partied to hard..feeling a bit blah today, could be the ever changing weather here as well. rain, more rain sun then rain again. My lawn is out of control, I still have tree limb branches all over the place from the last wind storm.

The racoon that has been MIA for awhile is back, I just went to the back door to let the cat in and he scared the bejeebers outta me.

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Hmm, maybe too much ice cream cake for you also. All that bouncing and sugar withdrawl. It was a rainy mess here on Sunday and than today was a windy grey day AKA blah day. Hopefully you will wrangle up that yard it's amazing how much they can seem to fall apart and take over.

Having Rocky raccoon back is nice although not right at the door. There was a commercial about a lady needing new glasses. She was standing at her door calling for her cat to come and in walked a Rocky. She thought it was her cat telling it was time to go night night or something. Here is the commercial you can see for yourself. My kids thought it was the funniest thing.

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LOL..yeah, I remember that commercial, I thought about that after the raccoon startled me. I had lasix surgery on my eyes, but I use to be very near sighted, I could of made the same mistake.

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I would like anyone here that doesn't already know that Jedidiah had to be rushed back to the hospital yesterday. He is OK now and resting comfortably but will have to stay as an inpatient again for a while.

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Yeah, I'm glad he is ok now also especially since he had stopped breathing. He is a good kid and deserves to get back to enjoying life.

btw perhaps you should start charging Rocky rent.

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Breathe, Jedidiah, breathe! Deeply. Wow, so glad to hear you are safe; that must've been so scary! You sure have been experiencing a lot recently. Hope they let you get on the computer very soon. And I wish you lots of visitors. :(

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Jedidiah hope to hear from you soon kiddo, you sure have been through the ringer, and still you have such a great outlook and good nature about you.

I made the decision to hire a mom sitter for the weekends, 3 hours on Saturday and Sunday, my doc says I have to get more time off. So starting next month I will. These long weekends are tough. I certainly can afford that much, and I have managed to save money these last 6 months so there is no reason not to.

I have always been good about saving money, not typical of a bipolar person I guess, much more common for someone with Bp to go on a spending frenzy when manic. I have never done that, when Im manic I tend to get a bit more obsessive and I will take more physical risks than normal, like deciding to try hang gliding or something of that nature. I have never tried hang gliding but it has been on my list for years. Would also like to learn to fly an airplane too, mountain climbing, rock climbing, etc.

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Shannon, that is great news. Those 6hrs to simply decompress or to get out a bit will be so, helpful. Everyone needs some time to themselves. Maybe you can squeeze in a little skydiving. :(

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Woke up early this morning to find out the area that I live in is on Tsunami alert. I live just a couple of minutes from the bay and the main slough runs right by my house. I don't think it will be much when it hits here, at least I hope so. But if you guys don't hear from me soon its cause I headed for the hills.

We have had Tsunami alerts before, but this one is a bit more intense.

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Good to see you didnt get swept away Shannon. Hotspot nice to have you helpin in my State none of it has really affected my area but loads others are really goin through sucky times

I miss Jedidiah it was real nice when he was out of the hospital damn drs would think they would fix him up better they kept him forever all the times he went and then all the surgeries and hes still not better Talked to his shrink before told me Jedidiah is real down and can use some cheering up hard to keep tellin him its almost over when there dont seem like end in sight Will go see him tomorrow after I get home and have nap first am here with the dead people

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Tell Jedidiah I miss him and that I am sending hugs to him...I sure hope he can get through all this.

I saw on the news about all the flooding you guys are experiencing. I hope that it gets better there for you soon.

Our tsunami warning was mostly for precautions, I wasn't to worried about it, though they did do some evacuations in low lying areas. The tides were very interesting to see and the water did come up higher than usual but never did cause any flooding. I feel for those in Japan. The funny thing is that when I got to the stables we had a few chicken littles running around yelling the sky is falling..they were about to turn all the horses loose to let them run to high land..mind you we border a golf course right next door...I said "hold on" you are talking about over 50 horses and you are all excited and you turn them loose and cause a frantic stampede and get hurt, when the stables are INLAND!:eek: The fields flood on a regular basis, besides we had more of a scare when the tide gate failed a few years ago....CALM DOWN! Sheesh...and I am the one who has to be on medication.

Anyway, mom had the best day ever yesterday, she was her cheerful wonderful self.

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Well Jedidiah left the hospital sometime this morning against the drs wishes no one knows where he went or is Im hoping he is ok and calls me tried callin him several times but not sure he has his cell phone on him he might also not call me because he knows Id take him right back to the hospital I know the hospital isnt jail but would think they would keep better eye on sick people then to have them just walk out

Some people really freak out and almost need a smack to get them thinking rational again

Its great your mom had great day yesterday hopefully she can have lots more you both need them

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The way you wrote that second paragraph after the first makes it sound like Jedidiah freaked out and needs a smack. I know that's not what you meant. :D

Oh, Jedidiah, now I am worried about you. Where are you and how are you? Please check in here and talk to us?

It is so nice to hear your mom was so well, Shannon. I just smiled.

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How distressing, Jedidiah, come back, we want to know you are ok.

Do you think he went back to his family?

We had a horrific storm yesterday, A screen door almost hit my house, I am so glad that it didn't break a window. Power was out for most of the day, came back on around 10 pm..we are lucky to get back so fast cause alot of people are still without power. 75,000 lost power. We are suppose to have another wind storm tonight. What happened to our mild Oregon Coast weather.

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Jedidiah, is OK. He called and I strongly persuaded him in his need to return to the hospital. He had taken himself to a hotel and was enjoying room service when I got there. We called his therapist and cardiologist together. His cardiologist wasn't much help and couldn't understand why he fled. His therapist was a lot more understandingly helpful. I took him back to the hospital where he has to stay at least until the end of the month.

Shannon, glad you got your power back swiftly. Mother nature really is causing havoc. My kids think she must be very angry.

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