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Been A While



Gosh how time goes by without realising it! A LOTTTTT has happened this past 6 months or so. And when I say a lot I mean A LOT!!!!

Ive been stable and off medication, since March

Managed to get the perfect job, and hold it down - shock horror!

Then in July I found out I was pregnant - again. a bit of a shock to say the least, especially as just 8 weeks later I gave birth - to the most beautiful little girl :). So now Im on maternity leave.

It was real scarey for a while, whilst Social Services assessed me, to see if I was able to keep the baby. Thankfully I was deemed fit and capable, and with their support and monitoring Ive been allowed to be a full time mum to my little bundle.

My little one is now 5 weeks old, and growing fast.

Gotta say Ive never been happier or more settled. Guess it just goes to show, just how much life can change - and occasionally its for the better!


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Congratulations, Sue. :-)

It's kind of unfair of me to want more news after just getting huge chunks of new news, so I'll try to restrain myself.

As it is, we need to figure out how to give a baby shower over the internet, and also why you give them a shower when they're only eligible for baths in real life.

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Thanks for the kind messages everyone :). My little girl is 5 months old on the 2nd - and gosh the time has flown by! Guess the first few months have been hectic to say the least, but extremely happy ones :D. Social Services have taken a step back now and have no input in our life, as they can see that Bebe is well cared for and loved. We still have a Support Worker from the local area, that pops by once in a while to see if we need any help or support - but touch wood and with fingers and toes crossed as yet we have not needed it. My little bundle is filling my days with ever so much chaos, fun and love that its a pleasure to wake each morning - that is ofcourse when she manages a proper nights sleep, (she is teething), but one look at her beautiful smile and chubby face, and I realise that I didn't really need to sleep anyways. :) Hope everyone is as ok as they can be. Take care.

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Wow what a cool looking island, soooo much beach :), thanks big sis. My little Bebe has finally cut her first tooth. That's it - my big news. It doesn't sound like much, but you best believe the big grin on my face today when I noticed it :D. Cant believe how quickly my days pass since my little girl was born, and honestly cant remember being this happy before, which is kinda strange considering this isn't the first time round for me to be a moma - but I refuse to over think that thought - guess, sometimes, things are just the way that they are because that's the way they are meant to be.

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That's so wonderful, Sue! I love those first teeth smiles! :) Usually once there's one tooth, another will quickly follow too. :-) So glad you are both happy and well.

I'm so happy you are feeling joyful. Wishing you and Bebe all the best.

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