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Born to Perish

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I did not know that about you Luna! Why didn't you tell me?! I told everyone about my sexuality. Wow! So Luna you really do know what it is like don't you? I am so sorry, but I have never had any friends so I haven't been able to find out about this stuff; can I ask you some questions? Do people tease you on a day to day basis? Do you get harrased and discriminated against? If you wanted to could you purchase a firearm? Please! I did not expect this! You are my only hope! Is this world as horrible as I think it is or are you living a nice life? Please please please PLEASE tell me! :):D

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I'm not your only hope Born. :(

No I don't get teased or harassed or discriminate against. I have as good a life as any, I guess, given that my bipolar isn't in the best of conditions and I'm out of work. Otherwise I'm OK.

Being gay isn't a big deal for me. I'm not seeing anyone, so the other parts of my identity are way more prominent and being gay is a very small part. It's no secret but there are many people who don't know and really it's not relevant to most situations, so I don't bring up the subject.

As for buying a gun, it's one of the last things I'd want to do. I don't know what you have to comply with, but I guess I would qualify. I don't want to harm another person in that way, even if they are idiots. :(

No, I don't think the world is anywhere near as horrible as you think and you can lead a very nice life. I do think that your current view of life is being strongly affected by your current state of mind. Doesn't the world seem different when you feel different from how you're feeling now?

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Hello Born. I hope you dont mind me intruding on your thread. I want to tell you what I think about life.

Life can and is a wonderful thing. Yes, there are times when we don't feel that way because of problems or situations. But I know that there are lots of good people in the world and that we should embrace life as much as we can while we have it. I hope you can try and not be so angry at others. Anger will turn back in on ourselves if unrestrained. Look for the good in people, and remember, if someone hurts us that maybe that person is hurting too. I wish you the best. Take care.:(


I hope you won't think what I said is out of line.

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Thank you oh so much Luna, now I have hope and I can now begin my journey, it's going to be fantastic!:( Yes I understand that sometimes the world seems different when you're in different moods. I only asked about the firearm thing, because we are mentally ill and people discriminate because of this. They think we are dangerous and unstable. This is not always true. Luna I don't see you as being dangerous at all. Me either, despite what the demon tells me I would never harm an innocent person. This world is huge and hopefully I will find the very small portion of it that considers me a good person. People should not look at sexual orientation, gender, mental illness, skin color, nationality or looks when they seek friendship. I don't even look at personality. I look at people's actions. I give them a chance to prove themselves harmless and goodhearted rather than shunning them like everyone else does. Even rude people deserve second chances. If someone says something rude to me that I know is somewhat true I laugh and say yeah that's me, however and I'm wierd in this way, if someone says something mean that is not true about me then I get offended a little and try to defend myself. I wouldn't want anymore labels I already have enough: "N" word "F" word, Psycho, Slut, Fence Sitter, Scum, enough is enough and I don't need any more. Hey Endlessnight! No what you said wasn't out of line at all, in fact it helped me a little, now I am going to try to help more people be happy like me. See:D YAY! Hopefully even the rude people can accept me in time if they get to know me. Except for the killers. Everyone may deserve a second chance, but I refuse to condone the acts of bigotry perpetrated by a pack of vicious savages. I love you guys both! Hope I see you around Endlessnight! And especially you Luna! The Heart is a House of Love!

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You know Born, for some time now I have been wanting to call you something other than "Born" or "BTP". Something like Jack, from Jack Black, or Jamie from Jamie Foxx. Or Calvin or Denzel or Morgan or Fred, whatever you like. What do you think of this? Would you tell me a name you would like me to call you? You will always be Born To Perish, I know, but it would be really nice to be able to call you by a person's name. What do you think?

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OOOOOO! Say! Hi Luna! This is BTP, who you can now call Tonya, this is the name of my feminine side. Or you can call me "single name" for I have denounced my birthname and also if I hadn't I probably would not put it on the internet. If you still want to hear that I guess I'll tell you, but if you are okay with it call me Tonya, it's nice to be called one of our names at least. Luna I hope you are cool with this, because that is what we'd like to be refered to as.:):) YAY! Love you Luna! Respond back okay!:o

The Heart is a House of Love:cool:

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Hi BorntoPerish.... welcome to the forum. My first advice is you should find a more positive name for yourself... The mind is a great and wonderful thing... if you feed it good thoughts it starts to process information differently and suddently things don't feel so bleak. So perhaps look for an alternative to perishing :-) and start thinking of what would make you want to live... it helps, really!

How come you're feeling so overwhelmed? Have you been diagnosed by doctors and are you getting help for your mental health issues? That would probably be the best place to start...

Symora, I just found this thread. I love what you said about finding a more positive name and how little things add up. I am going right now to change mine, if I can figure out how!


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So Luna how are you doing today? Snitzel! Ale-Whatever! Like oh my gosh! Hey Luna:rolleyes: I do these things sometimes. Last night me and my feminine side were perfectly in sync. Every thing was amazing and we were frolicing in the living room. We were so happy to be reunited. My feminine side is a great person and she is nice to the people she likes. She can be a joker sometimes... kind of a lot of the time! Though you choose to call me Tonya now, I must keep my name on here the same, because I believe now more than ever that I am born to die, but I use this as a positive thing and everyday I live life like it's the last day of school. Everyday! Everyday is marvelous, because of my elation and my personalities. Without them I'd be a wreck. So how ever long I have on this earth is not important so long as I'm having fun. Though there are a lot of savages out there, I can still enjoy myself and be me regardless. Thank you Luna for agreeing to call us Tonya now, we approve. YAY!:( See! I have formed an alliance with my other personalities and we expect to launch our assault on the world (a none physical on of course so don't be alarmed). What I mean is is that we intend to overcome and supersede intimidation so that it never plagues us again. From now on there is no I, there is US. We are together once again and we are not alone, we have the support of our second dimmensional friends and our 4th dimmensional family so we'll thrive. One day we will all be looked at as equals so help me God. And if I don't live to see the day, you better believe it, I'll be there, this world is my home and I'm home to stay! Sarafina quote. Now once more: CAN YOU FEEL A BRAND NEW DAY? Can you? We can! YAY! Freedom is coming tomorrow! NO TODAY! WE'RE FREE! FREE ONCE AGAIN TO BE US!!!!!!!!!! WE'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Tonya do you have anything to add: Why yes Mr Heriman! Ha ha! Luna you da gweatest! LOL! Luna! We love you Luna! Back to me! Hey! Hope you enjoyed those comments from my feminine side she is sooooo sweet sometimes! I enjoy our heart to hearts come back okay Luna. So long, don't fall out of touch. Tonya: Farewell pleasant journey! LOVE LIFT US UP WHERE WE BELONG!:cool:

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Born, or Tonya, if you prefer,

You seem to be "moving very quickly", mentally, these days. I'm sure it must be very exciting, but ... are you encountering any downside? I'd be glad for anyone who has genuinely found a way to be happy; I'm just concerned that you might be telling us only the good side, especially if those parts {the happy ones} are the only ones who are talking to us. I guess I just wanted to check if you're feeling okay, that's all.

Mark {one of my "birthnames", but the middle one.} ;-)

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Hey Malign! Thanks for worrying about me. I'm fine and fabulous as usual. Ha ha like totally! OMG Chris I am just LOL ha ha ha ha ha hao! There is no down side every thing is just fab and I am in totally in the zone! I feel so happy, I might finally get a team rocket uniform! TRAITOR! LOL! Hey thank you Malign you are so sweet you rock and I have missed thee. You..... SHALL WORK IT OUT AMOUNGST YOURSELVES!!!!! LOL! I am so totally on a roll! Any way I so am happy right now and this is so not a manic state and I so don't need meds because they so don't work. I love this body and I love myself! ARE YOU SERIOUS THANK YOU GOD!!!!! I love this body!!!!! Rock and roll!!!!! Joy to the world the lord is come! Ha HA!!!!! I may be sort of promiscuous, but so what I can't help being easy it is not my fault, I grew up without a father, don't judge me, I know who I am.... That's what I love about you To..... HA HA SORRY! I just couldn't do it that time! Well I love you guys and remember the more you practice the stronger you'll get! Farewell pleasant journey. DO DO DO.............:cool:

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I did so get your message Tonya :) and will reply. The answer to your question here is Yes. Of course we are allowed to have children and raise them. It helps a lot if we know a bit about how to handle our illness so our children aren't hurt by it, though.

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:) Hey Luna did you get the message I sent you? Sorry i ask this oftenly I just wanted to know. I will number the questions!

1. If you saw a man in a pink mini skirt would you accept his choice?

2. Can I adopt children?

3.Can I purchase a firearm in the USA?

4.Can I ever hope to establish a bisexual polygamy with a man and a woman?

5.Do you think it is wise or safe at all for me to go anywhere near other people's children?

6.Do those guys in the white suits that are in mental hospitals ever come after any of you and if so do you think they will come after me?

7. Where can I get a pocket knife?

Keep in mind that in pursuit of these tools I am only trying to protect myself and also remember that I am bisexual and I am mentally ill as well. Thank you!:D

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Hey Born. Those are interesting questions. Can I try to give you my answers, for variety?

1. I would accept his choice, but I might point him towards colors that might match his hair better. :-)

2. Adopting children is a long, involved process, but it depends more on whether you feel safe around children, and that's a later question.

3. Purchasing firearms is something that varies by where you live, Born, and Luna definitely doesn't know U.S. law. Personally, I don't own any guns, and I recommend heartily against it: with a weapon in hand, I would imagine it would be much harder to prevent your demon from hurting someone seriously before you could stop him. I know you want to protect yourself, but I don't think you want to kill. Guns have a tendency to go off.

4. You can hope to establish any sort of relationship you want. The hard part is convincing the other person(s). ;-)

5. This is a really interesting question. What do you feel around children, Born? I love children, myself, but I don't see them as sex objects. If you feel the same way, I don't see why you wouldn't be safe around children. Now, the first step for being around other people's children would be to get the permission of their parents, because they're the ones whose job it is to keep their children safe and happy. And you can't expect that they'll give you permission: there are a lot of dangerous people out there who hurt kids, and even though I don't think you're like that, they have no way to be sure except to say no. One thought that ties a couple of these questions together: I definitely wouldn't allow an armed man close to my kids. It's far too easy for them to get hurt in a crossfire or by accident.

6. The "guys in white suits" aren't allowed out of the hospital, Born. There may be situations where a court determines that a person has to go to the hospital, but you would already know about that, if it happened. You don't have to worry about random people picking you up on the street.

7. You can get a pocket knife lots of places. You should be aware that they are covered by concealed-weapons laws, in most places, and that most pocket knives are too small to be effective weapons, for exactly that reason. We're back to the idea that it's way too easy to start by trying to protect yourself, and end up hurting people, instead. We have policemen for protection; that's why we pay taxes.

Some of these questions would expand into a whole interesting conversation, by themselves. Would you be interested in talking about what brings these questions to your mind?

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Yes Malign I'd love to talk about this. Thank you for answering. I feel that since I am bisexual and mentally ill people will think I might molest, harm or turn their children bisexual. Also there are a lot of crimes still perpetrated by savages on a regular basis. I just wanted the pocket knife so that I could defend against the attackers. I'd like to wear a pink mini skirt, it's always been a dream of mine to walk around in one on a day to day basis. I also feel people have a problem letting bisexuals and mentally ill people adopt or even have children of their own. I heard that if you are mentally ill you are not allowed to purchase a gun of any kind. And the guys in the white suits scare me. They are really mean and I was afraid that they'd come after me and try to lock me up after saying: "We found another one." I am just trying to prepare myself for potential threats and discrimination so that I can be more prepared, because if I get suprised I am more likely to be upset than if I already knew. Also I have more questions if that is okay.

1.If I get married and have children and my wife decides to leave me are the children as good as hers? (keep in mind she is the woman, I am bisexual and mentally ill)

2. Do you believe that the black community is the most homo/biphobic?

3.Could I join the military if they knew I was bisexual?

4.How can you tell if the man has a condom on or not?

5.Do you really believe the police would care if I told them I was having problems? Giving of course the fact that I am bisexual and mentally ill

I am kind of on the same topic here so sorry but I am really trying to figure this out so my life can be a little easier can you help please sweetie?;)

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My answer to 2, 3 and 5 is "I don't know".

1. It depends on the woman. Woman tend to get custody as a rule, unless you can negotiate shared custody or if you can prove she is not capable of taking care of the children.

4. You need to feel for the little rubber ring at the base.

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It's the guy from the record company! Thank you Luna! Teddy you da greatest! I love this show! Thank you soooo much Luna for your input and if anyone knows the answers to the other ones please feel free to answer. I know that 9 times out of ten I will not get them. The demon decided to show his face again today. I know you are probably sick and tired of me talking about him, but I'd like to remind you medication doesn't stop him. My friend believes at school believes that medication doesn't solve demonic possession problems. I think that's what this is. I really need that exorcism so if there is anyone who knows one please speak now or for ever hold your peace. The craziness gene also showed his face today. In the hallway I was very elated and also I kind of gave everyone the impression that I was angry, but I was not. I enjoyed today, but I really hope the demon doesn't take over. That's all I can do if I don't hurry up and get that exorcism. There is no other way. I also need to purchase a cross so that I can use it to keep him at bay. I also have another question.

If someone told you you could not purchase a firearm because you are mentally ill how would you react? Also if a group of people followed you and constantly jeered you what would you do. My new father did not give me good answers so I am kind of turning to you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'll understand. And if you are to never come back (2 weeks) this is Born to Perish signing off. But I will still try to see you sometimes Luna and I will continue to help around the whole website. I hope I can help. Once again thank you for everything. Remember: Life is an illusion and the heart is a house of love. JACKSONVILLE! Sorry. See you next time baseball fans.

With dignity and oh so fabulous grace Tonya and Born to Perish:D

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:(This is the last time I am going to ask about this. Please. Does anyone know of a good exorcist? Today at my school the demon came out fully and almost attacked several people. I am so scared it isn't funny. The demon told me that if I tried to take any medication he would attack my family. I know he will. I feel trapped and I feel as if there is nothing I can do. Today he was growling at everyone and all kinds of other stuff and he was yelling and screaming at everyone. When I take medicine I can not hear him as well, but he can still possess me. This is pretty much out of your hands now and even mine but I just wanted to know if anyone knew of an exorcist or someone who could do this. I am tired of Legend controlling my life and I want a chance to go to school, have friends and get a girlfriend or boyfriend, get a job one day. I HAVE DREAMS TOO! I don't want him ruining everything so if you please give me the name of someone who can do this.

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Namaste Born. A few thoughts...

The demon told me that if I tried to take any medication he would attack my family. I know he will. I feel trapped and I feel as if there is nothing I can do. Today he was growling at everyone and all kinds of other stuff and he was yelling and screaming at everyone.

It sounds like the little demon was having a bit of a temper tantrum. :eek:

Meantime, I recall talking with a young woman who was undergoing a similar experience and it was interesting how her demons would get her worked up. Essentially, they'd present themselves as all powerful (as if she had no power) and then, they'd intimidate her by making various kinds of threats.

The interesting thing of course is that if you're "All-Powerful" you don't have any need to make threats. People only make threats when they're frightened. It's a way of pumping themselves up to create the illusion that they're more powerful than they feel they really are.

Anyway, it became quite obvious that she held the real power and her demons were frightened of her. They had no power at all except for what they could more or less "steal" from her by temporarily intimidating her. Ha! Dumb demons.

Meantime, here's something else that woman and I talked about. I don't know if this idea will help you but it's something like a way of creating some spiritual protection around you and something I ended up doing in my own experience. I've since shared it with others and some people have said it was helpful for them too. Here's what you do, step by step...

- Imagine yourself standing.

- Next, imagine yourself drawing a circle on the floor/ground around your body. The circle shouldn't be too tight but it shouldn't be too wide either.

- Now, think of love. Often, the easiest way to do so is to think of someone you love or of someone who loves you. Imagine this love as a golden light that comes in to completely fill the circle so that it's now like an orb around you.

- Next, imagine a square/cube being drawn around the circle. It shouldn't be too tight or too wide.

- Now, imagine yourself placing a figure in each corner. These figures can be real or imaginary but the important thing to bear in mind is that they are there to protect you. This means that they have to love you.

- These figures should be placed facing outward so they can "see" what's coming.

- Now, imagine yourself as safe and loved within the circle/orb, surrounded by the square/cube, guarded and loved by the protectors at each corner.

For what it's worth, one of the protectors in my corner was a Hindu goddess called Kali. Kali is known as a "slayer of demons" and she is black as black can be. I felt better just knowing she was there because she can kick demon ass like nobody's business. :(

Music of the Hour:

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Born, I am here. Thanks for calling me in a PM. I hear you calling for an exorcist. I believe exorcists are available to you and you do not need to look for one outside yourself - they exist and they are inside you.

I fully agree with Spiritual_Emergency. Her method is a very good way of protecting yourself from demons and has been used by people in the same situation as you, as she said. There are angels both outside and inside you, who can be called on to fight demons. I know you are Christian and you can find these angels mentioned in the Bible. I'm sure you have felt them too, in the past. They will travel with you and be there in all situations you have to face. They have strong powers and they can protect you.

Follow the instructions Spiritual_Emergency gave you. Create the circle in your mind. Create the square and post your protectors in the corners. Then call on your protecting angel or angels and ask them to "exorcise" the demon. Ask for protection should the demon come back to taunt you. Whenever you feel the demon, call to the angels again. You can practice this as many times as you need to and the connection will strengthen. You may find one particular angel becomes your personal protector.

If you should be taken to hospital, remember the angels go with you wherever you go. They will always be there with you. Nothing can drive them away.

I am thinking of you. Please keep in touch with us and let us know how you are doing.

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Thank you huey, you inspired.... oh sorry hey guys. Spiritual_emergency is back and cuter than ever because that last part was funny. Hello Luna I hope you are doing well today. I will try this method. I think the angels may be my 2nd dimensional friends. I'll ask them for help. I will also buy a cross because the demon hates those. Maybe I'll go look in the mirror when I feel him coming over me, that helps sometimes too. Thank you guys. I have to win this fight for my sake.

Love lift us up where we belong.:cool:

Keep smiling...

With oh so fabulous grace once again, Tonya and Born to Perish

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