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Bidding y'all a fond farewell - and thankyou !!! ☻



Well, the strange thing with plans and me - we are both similar coz both of us are prone to change at the last minute. - yeah well it would'nt be me otherwise now would it :o

Remember when I was pregnant - and I planned whole heartedly to kill myself as soon as I werent? - Remember how I was going to take social services to court?- Remember also how I really planned hard and kicked my ass into gear to get myself a job and sort my flat out, and become one of those responsible grown-up type people?

~ yeah I know all the things well within easy grasp of one another, for me right the now - see coz all the plans have been maticulously layed out, imprinted only in my mind, but I KNOW each of these are workable. And even have a strongish (thanks to my stubborn determination) chance of being successful - like how cool is that - totally :cool:

~ Hmmm, scrap all those ideas as they have been put on hold, some temporary, some perminantly. Spur of the moment has taken over - and Im due to set to sail of to another realm, instead now ☻

Im going off to chase a dream Ive had for many, many years. One that is Oh so very close to my heart yet has seemed far from reality. I've been given a token - cant ignore it - wish me a little luck if you have any to spare, and well to my family here - I wish you all the luck and happiness in the world.☻

I will be in touch as and when - till then though, HAVE FUN :D

Take care y'all :o


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Im going to start the next chapter in my Fairy-Tale.

Well dreams wont come true, if you sit around doing nothing :o

Sometimes you need to give life a little helping hand to get to where you want to be. :)

Anything is possible all the time you keep trying - and well I want it all - complete with the " ... And they all lived happily ever after..."

And to quote a old saying... "If you aint happy - It aint the end"

Take care everyone :o

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I wish your every dream is a wonderful adventure and you find peace, have fun and stop by to tell us all about your new life.

I will miss you, but you will always be right here ♥ in my heart. Thank you for being a very special friend. Be safe and be well.

Love you, Sue.

ken Ian

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hey sue,

i hope everything is going fine for you, hoping you the best on your journey and hoping that you can go out and live your dreams. Goodbye for now and hope things go in your favor.

as walt disney once said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."

stop by and see us every once in a while and keep us up to date :P

still wishing you the best and thanks for all of the help and support so far,


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