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Victimorthecrime last won the day on July 24 2023

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    Conversation, humor, insights, complaining, support, fun.

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  1. I’m not your research assistant.
  2. Yeah that’s standard black pill ideology. People are attracted to who they’re attracted to. I mean blame mother nature or evolution or biology or whatever. I have a different spin on the black pill. I don’t think it’s looks that matter. I can only base my opinion on what I’ve seen in my life. In my entire life, no matter what he looks like, I have never known a guy who was tough & macho and ready to fight anyone right then and there over anything - to not have a girlfriend. Women are turned on by men that they know will punch a motherfucker in the mouth if they need to. i’ve been told I hold a number of questionable beliefs and maybe this is just one of them but that’s my take on it.
  3. Well you know him, what is your working hypothesis? What is the key to making connection?
  4. It’s been 80F all week pretty warm for October but Saturday it’s dropping to much more seasonal temps and I think I will wear it around people. Stay safe Jazz!
  5. I am seeing some reports that a new variant is unfortunately picking up steam. I really hope we don’t go back to that madness. I am seeing a few more people masking. Anyone else hear anything?
  6. @IrmaJean no worries about response time! I know you are super busy and the forum is slower these days. Hope things are good overall.
  7. @IrmaJeanor anyone else: are you experiencing experiencing smoke from the Canadian wildfires your where you live? I went out last night to see some music and meet up with some friends and it was unbelievable.. It’s about like every third or fourth house and having a barbecue.. The smoke was a haze in the air everywhere. Today I am actually feeling it in my lungs. It’s a surreal. All this progress you hear about in the world and suddenly we lost the ability to even put out a fire!
  8. @LaLa I am ok 🙂 I have my ups and downs like anyone but I am doing fine. The pandemic sent me to work at home (WAH) and it’s been a change, mostly good, but sometimes interacting with people remotely gets tiresome. It’s fertile ground for misunderstanding. Nothing can replace being able to look someone in the eye, assessing if they are just having a bad day or if there’s a bigger problem. other than that just life and taking care of business, getting some work done on the house. That kind of stuff. How have you been? The last thing I recall you left a job or volunteer work that you were displeased with. Let me know what else is been going on.
  9. $50 seems steep for on-line. I would suggest calling your health insurance company asking what your mental health therapy co-pay is and if they cover telehealth sessions. I bet it would be cheaper than $50 that way. However, that said, if this platform would work for you then it’s well worth the $50. I have never done telehealth counseling but I do know it is very popular. I work for a health insurance company so I know. Personally I would only do telehealth with a therapist that I have a long-standing face-to-face relationship.
  10. Hey @Klingsorsaw my mention, thought I would chime in. First, happy new year 2023 to you and everyone. Ahhh Business Insider, it ought to be called Bias Insider. But I actually agree with the writer that Elon was probably speaking more as a businessman than concerned Citizen on this one. Greta makes a dick joke and the world acts like it’s the most clever thing ever. Social media is going to be the undoing of civilization. TBH at age 60 SPS is not even on my radar screen of worries. Maybe I’ll do a life update on my page later. Hope you are doing ok.
  11. @Loomok sounds like there is progress just slow. Keep up posted and good luck!
  12. @Loom hope everything is good w your husband’s health. Any update?
  13. I love Chicken cacciatore have not had it in forever. Hope all is well Dave!
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