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The OW, now the EX (Maybe..)

This whole situation has gotten completely out of hand. Wifey and OW came to blows Monday night. I ultimately chose Wifey, because I know I'll never be strong enough to be the asshole I have to be for OW and I to be together. OW has told me again that she'll be waiting until Wifey screws up this chance. But I know that no matter how many times Wifey screws up, no matter how bad she treats me, I'll never get away. So I might as well try and make the best of it.



So, It's Come To This

Wifey has finally put it out on the table. She wants me to tell OW that we can only be friends. She has been relentlessly badgering me about it ever since. "When are you going to tell her?" "What are you going to say to her?" "Don't you want your family to work?" "When we go out tonight, you're going to tell her." Here's the thing. I DON'T WANT TO!! NOT NOW, NOT EVER!!! OW has treated me way better than Wifey ever has. Even with all the "work" she has put in to try and make things bearable for m



Too Early....

If the physical rigors of my job weren't bad enough, today is the day they try and add sleep deprivation to the back breaking. I have straight 9:00 start times for the most part. But every once in a while, they throw in a 6:00. When you're used to sleeping until 8:00, getting up at 5:00 is about as easy as...as...God I can't even think of something to compare it to!! As expected, my plans for last night fell through. In fact, they weren't even mentioned. I checked my phone this morning, and OW h



Another Day

Well work's almost over. I got a lot accomplished today, so I suppose I should be happy about that. But I know I'm just going to have to go home. Is it strange to rather be away from the one that loves you, because you have no feeling at all left for her? Another night of lying to her each time she says "I love you", knowing that if I don't answer correctly, or answer at all, Hell awaits me in the form of yelling or guilt trips. OW wants me to come and see her tonight, and I want to so very muc



The Spying Game (To Wifey)

Last night, right before OW's car accident, I know you were talking to her on Yahoo! Messenger, pretending to be me. Though your spelling is so bad, OW wasn't fooled. So it's come to this, has it? Really? This is the second time you've done this now. Once on Facebook, now on Yahoo. Do I go into your accounts and talk to your people? No, because I can't stand most of them. Even if I could, I wouldn't because that's YOURS. It's things like this that are making OW look even better to me. Try and di



The Broken Record Treatment

Don't you hate it when someone just asks you the same question over and over again? That was the treatment I was getting last night. Wifey had demanded I give my wedding ring to her. Don't you hate it when someone asks you the same question over and over again? Please answer me. Last night, she asked me if I wanted it back. She knows full well the truth isn't going to be what she wants to hear. Don't you hate it when someone asks you the same question over and over gain? Answer Me!! I'm startin



More confused than ever

Over the last week, things have gotten downright weird for me. Wifey has not only started talking to OW again, but added her to her Facebook friends. We just went out last night, and while things aren't the same as they were when the three of us were "an item", it felt good to have both my girls with me. Wifey seems to understand that OW and I still love each other very much, now I'm just waiting to find out if she's playing an angle. I don't know if she saw how miserable I was not being able to



Thankless Dead End Life

Another week in the books, another week worth of wondering if what I made is going to be enough to cover the monthly expenses. I swear, between the rigors of my home life (as stated in my first blog here) and this job, I'm surprised I haven't put a bullet in my head. I know there's not a whole lot else I can do either. A career in the exciting field of retail service, no matter how much experience you get under your belt, doesn't really prepare you to do anything else. For the most part, I wor



Is this really the best I deserve?

As at least a couple of you here know, my relationship is pretty much in the crapper. My wife and I invited another woman into our relationship, and I ended up falling for her. She treats me better than my wife ever did, without all of the emotional problems that my wife has. This woman is like my other half. If I would've been born a woman, I'd have been her. Anyway, one night I gathered up the courage to tell my wife I was leaving her to start up a relationship with the other woman (OW for sh



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