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friends suck



i hate when someone says they're your friend when really they don't want you as a friend. i don't feel like any of my "friends" really want me around. i feel invisible when i'm with them. maybe i should change my name back to invisible. the only true friends i have are you guys on this site i think.. at least ye are interested in listening to me. it sucks when someone you thought was a friend turns out to not be your friend. even my cousin doesn't seem to want me around and i would've considered her to be one of my best friends but obviously i was wrong. i camped with her at the festival and she had absolutely no interest in listening to me. it was as if i was in the way. i was trying to have fun but she mostly ignored me. i thought she was just having a bad day at first but then we bumped into some of her other friends and she had no problem talking to them. she wouldn't even walk beside me, she always walked ahead of me with her back to me. i ended up crying and feeling like killing myself, not that she noticed, so i figured if i left her to hang out with her friends at least i wouldn't spoil her weekend. i went off on my own and made some new friends, mostly pervy druggie old men, but at least they didn't mind me hanging out with them and they listened to me. then eventuallly i met up with my cousin again and she continued to ignore me. i dunno. what's wrong with me that noone wants to be around me?



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Well, I'm not going to argue with you about it. You're entitled to your opinion.

It does make every single person (and all the other animals) "wrong", not just you. And to be "right", we'd all have to starve to death.

There has to be a way to resolve that problem. Can you think of a way?

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i don't mean it like that. i'm not talking about the whole "food has feelings" thing.. i don't mind that other people eat. that doesn't bother me atall. i like forcing people to eat food and i'm pretty good at it too!! it just makes me feel really bad about myself when I eat.

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You're always nice to me, sweetheart.

My BMI says I'm way overweight; it wants me to be 150 lbs. for five-foot-six. That's never going to happen, I'm too wide-shouldered, though I can get down to 160 if I try. The point is that it's just one number to use. I'm glad that you've checked, though.

My real concern is that you can't help listening to YKW's input. I worry that you might think you shouldn't be here, and I want to make sure I get to say my piece: You take care of my Blossom, please; there's only one of her and she's precious.

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I know, sweety.

That's why 'finding' wishes she had a helicopter, though I'm pretty sure she'd settle for a parachute and a passing airplane.

Tell you what: for each thing YKW says that you listen to, you have to listen to one good thing about you from somebody else. Deal?

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