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My Conclusion


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I have come to realize that there is no longer any reason to complain about this issue. Life isn't fair and most people don't give a shit. We come from a society where everyone gets a trophy and everyone feeds us this PC bullshit that people are entitled to fairness. I am not entitled to anything and I got dealt a shitty hand as far as the opposite sex is concerned and as far as some other aspects of life. Life is harsh but it could be far worse.

Here are some guidlines I have learned from myself and others regarding this issue:

1. It is wise not to date or sleep with women who know people that you know. Once others find out they will mock you. It doesn't mean they don't like you but they will still mock you. I would probably fuck someone up if they mocked for this and I have the means and the ill will to do so. This is why I will never let anyone in my social group find this out.

2. It is important to accept that one might never be able to formulate a long term relationship based on this. If you are lucky and find someone who can except you, you are in a very rare situation.

3. Occasionally seeing escorts is always an option. An option I have taken full advantage of.

4. There are plenty of women out there who would date or sleep with those of us who have money.(not me at the moment) You don't need to give these women any money but having the appearance of having money is all it will take to get these women to sleep with you. Just wrap your shit up so you don't have to pay them for the next 18 years.

All we have is the hand we've been dealt and we have to play that hand as best as we can. I fully accept that having a meaningful relationship where love is involved is not realistic for me and I have made peace with this.

I am a maladapted and needle dicked misanthropic asshole living in a decaying humanity and I am at peace with the fact that life isn't fair. If anyone has anything else to add to this your are welcome to post.

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It's my story as well. The only difference is that I have regressed socially to the point that I no longer care how

others feel about the issue. I just go about the rest of my life dating a few times then finding a way to end

it before another relationship develops. The first ended badly enough that I don't wish to pay for that rodeo, again.

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I didnt know where to post this so this will do.

I went out with my work colleagues tonight. We got chatting about a news story.

Some idiot politician in the uk said that disabled people should be 'put down' as they cost society money. (im not making this sh*t up!)

So everyone's in agreement that this is unethical and appalling- then then the conversation drifts to how people have coped with disability through the ages. They talked about lepers, dwarves, eunuchs, cripples etc.

then this one girl (who seems to make a sex joke in every social situation I ever see her in) says what about guys with 'manginas' or 'tiny willies" (uk phrases).

Much mirth ensues before the conversation goes serious again- one girl says she feels sorry for guys like that.

One guy says it makes him feel quesy.

Then they talk about if size matters and if it could be deal breaker in a guys life and one girls says "well it wouldnt repulse me- but I would see him as sexless".

Another girl says "yeah I know what you mean".

Then a guy said" well better a small one than a eunuch" then another guys says "no way.. cos you would still have the desire and no release!"

then another girl says" can we change the subject.. you are making me feel a bit ill too" (as was I- but for different reasons)

So- MY conclusion...

1. I must never socialise with my work mates again- because sex (even if not size) ALWAYS comes up in conversation and it ruins my week

2. Im 'sexless' apparently

3. Im in a worse position than a eunuch.

Great. :(

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I'm starting to open my mouth more about this. When people say things like that I'm more likely nowadays to take a stand. I really have nothing to lose and I don't think you do either. If anything maybe it will build some of that elusive confidence most of us lack. I've been letting people get away with that kind of talk for a long time and it always made me feel terrible. Tired of having my emotions trampled. Especially with some on the things you wrote that they said. Damn it would have infuriated me.

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Jessie, you shoudl question the intelligence of your co workers next time. Maybe I'll fly over to the UK and start joining in on your conversations. You seem to have had several strings of bad luck with these conversations. I personally barely encountered this topic in real life and when I did, I approached the situation like I do on these forums.

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Some people may fear their own possible vulnerabilities. If they perceive this in others, they may then respond by "attacking" it or by doing anything to create further distance from it, and thus don't have to confront their own. I've always seen vulnerability as a place where we're all connected, if we're willing to look. Some aren't ready or willing and so they respond instead with cruel comments. The point being, Jessie, that their words don't reflect any validity about facts or say anything about you; their words are all about them. I'm sorry hearing such talk hurts you. :( Try to be gentle, kind, and respectful with yourself. No other person can stop you from shining as the person that you are unless you give them the power to.

Edited by IrmaJean
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I don't think it is important to worry about what other people say and think about this issue anymore. We already know that a majority of people consider us to be inadequate, more importantly women. There is no point in ruminating on this issue any further. Here are the options available:

1. If a relationship is all that matters, date as many women as possible until one accepts you.

2. Figure out a way to get laid semi-regularly.

3. Accept life without women.

I choose option 2. That may give me more confidence to try out option 1 if I want to settle down at some point.

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Jessie, you shoudl question the intelligence of your co workers next time. Maybe I'll fly over to the UK and start joining in on your conversations. You seem to have had several strings of bad luck with these conversations. I personally barely encountered this topic in real life and when I did, I approached the situation like I do on these forums.

But these people ARE intelligent. They do a demanding job requiring communications skills and technical knowledge. They are nice people.

They all deplored what that guy said about disabled people.

They were compassionate about lepers and how they were treated in ages gone by.

I dunno, perhaps I painted a more negative picture of what they were like- a couple of quotes doesnt always convey a whole conversation.

But the 'sexless' comment really stung. I get why they feel that way and I know they didn't mean to hurt me- if they knew my secret I'm 100% sure they would not have said it- I'm sure they would be mortified if they learnt they had upset me.

By the way- what I witnessed yesterday was NOTHING compared to what I saw a female senior manager say about small dicks a few months back. She was just full of aggressive crap- I still despise her for that.

ps Thermo- are you in the USA?- most of the awful clips I have seen on You Tube are American girls insulting small dicks (not the clearly acted ones- I mean serious panel interviews etc). I assumed the USA was more shallow than the UK- I guess/hope Im wrong...

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Jess, it's interesting that two of your conclusions pick up directly on opinions expressed by one or two of your co-workers. Is there any reason to agree with what they think? Would you do that (at least, so readily) if they said something you didn't already agree with?

It sounds to me as if the real lesson learned here is that you already believed those things about yourself ...

After all, you don't actually know from what people say, what they really believe ... but the more you believe it, the more you'll accept their statements at face value. {The flip side is clearly visible here on the forum: it's a lot harder to convince you guys, not that what non-sufferers say is necessarily true, but even that we genuinely believe something different from you. There's a reaction like, you can't believe that; _I_ don't.}

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Well they said it on an earnest way- and nobody dived in to argue against the statements.

I havent any reason to assume they didnt mean what they said- I can only go on the opinions they express .

I dont think I did feel like I was sexless, inadequate may be, but not sexless- it was a new perspective and not a comforting one.

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good point skylight- and to my SHAME I have made a few comic remarks about overweight people in the past, and of course I would never do so in front of them AND I dont particularly mind overweight people at all= it was a cheap, silly gag.

However the girls weren't actually making jokes- they were indicating sadness and compassion for such guys and how, even with the best of intentions, they would see such guys as 'sexless'.

They are nice people - not brash jerks at all

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@Jesse - I am in the USA & you again correct about the attitudes here which is basically that if a man is not a millionaire or a monster ie violent gangster-thug then he is just basically a prey animal & it is open season.

I too, live in the USA and I am neither a thug, a millionaire and definitely not prey to the former.

I give as I receive. Treat me with indifference or well and I'll treat you the same way.

Treat me poorly and I will walk away.

Attack me physically or even financially and i will GET EVEN and you won't enjoy it.

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These type of Attitudes are everywhere, every culture has some kind of shallow standered. I know from my experience being half Hispanic, that they love light skin people, the darker you are, the more you are look down upon, they also have a narrow minded view on manhood. In some cultures, it's good to be fat. And in ancient Greece the smaller penis was desired, big penis were considered disgusting, they viewed men with large ones as comical, beastly, and stupid. Now big penis are desired (I think this is a view held in the west more so, such as uk and us). Also on a side note, researchers have said that if a person from ancient Grece was born taoday he would be much more intelligent then the average person, so mabey the ancient Greeks were right?

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Intelilgence is more important for societal progression in the grand scheme. Porn and other media forms only alienate otherwise perfectly normal and sometimes extremely intelligent people. It's really unfortunate that an overall healty and potentially innovative male may ultimately be unproductive due to a few cubic centimeters of flesh...

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