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They're at it again... :'(



well, my day was just going a lot better, things were quiet and nice and i was finally getting a bit of relaxation time, i knew it was too good to last. I was just trying to get some more of my work done and i hear my parents raising their voices, and i knew what was about to happen...

mom and dad got into yet another physical confrontation, this time over someting trivial no doubt that escalated into a terrible sight. I don't want to get into much detail about what exactly went on, but i am sure that there are going to be some bruises on both of them tomorrow.

am still quite shook up from the whole ordeal, i kept yelling for them to stop but they didn't for a few minutes. now legs feel like spaghetti noodles and heart is about to leap out of my chest. right now they are still arguing verbally, but i am pretty sure that the physical part is over.

just got done consoling my little sister, since she seemed to be more shook up than i was. things just seem to be getting worse and worse around here, i wish that they would go on and just divorce already, since its obvious that they can no longer live together safely.


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i don't even know what i should do next time. the police have already been called here before because at one time it got so loud that neighbors called the cops. both parents have what the police call "one strike". if they get to three they lose custody i have been told. at least that's what i have heard about how it works around here. two more calls and my parents are possibly removed and then what? not that i would really mind them being removed, but i just don't want to have to worry about new guardians or who would want to replace them in my family, if anybody.

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Take things one step at a time Inf - okay.

If things get out of control, your first priority is keeping yourself and your siblings (if poosible) safe.

Calling the Police is nothing to be ashamed of. They are there to protect all of you. Including your parents from harm.

The thing is there is no point worrying in what may happen, as no-one can tell you - as each case or sinario is different.

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right now i just feel like someone else is occupying my body. like i'm going into a dormant state and something else is taking over. this mood is what i call my trigger mood, since thoughts of all types come pouring in, even the ones i try my best to filter out come through unfiltered.

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my best bet is to try to distract myself from it, but im in such an advancing state right now that i actually feel like i am shutting down. i am typing slower, not really reacting as fast physically or mentally as i usually do. i am just feeling progressively weaker by the minute. im going to try to distract myself, but i don't even know if i can get pulled out of this rut rightnow. breathing is feeling weird, like theres an electrical tinge to the air.

iknow that all of this is mental, because it has happened before i guess is a sort of coping mechanism.

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Hey, inf. I just got in and got caught up on your blog. Sorry this is happening. Can you play music or anything? Maybe go for a walk? Do you want to talk about it more on here or would you like us to help distract you?

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Hmmm, you could be having a sort of panic attack hun. Try and breathe calmly if you can. your gonna be ok.

I could help distract you if you like, I could try and find you some music or funny pics to look at

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What about repeating something to yourself--I know it sounds stupid, but sometimes I run the alphabet through my head--in english, then in german, then in english and so on. Sometimes just focusing on something small like that can help bring you back down.

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Hmm, sometimes when Im scared I recite my fav songs out loud, or in my head. That can help

How about if we played a game of I Spy or Guess Who or something would that help you to focus on something ?

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You should try and put your head inbetween your knees and breathe...sounds like the start of a panic attack. panic attacks come on in different ways and are triggered by different things. After that I would suggest you try and rest. Your body has been through quite a bit today and you need to take care of yourself.

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3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751028841971693993751058209749445 that was only 62 if i counted right, but its all i can think of at the moment

oops disregard that first one, i started to repeat myself

3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445 thats the real one could only think of up to like 62

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Hey inferiority. I just got caught up with your blog. It sounds like you're experiencing a major panic attack. Have you ever tried breathing in and out of a paper bag? I haven't had the chance yet, but my psychiatrist told me it can slow your heart rate and breathing very quickly.

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