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They're at it again... :'(



well, my day was just going a lot better, things were quiet and nice and i was finally getting a bit of relaxation time, i knew it was too good to last. I was just trying to get some more of my work done and i hear my parents raising their voices, and i knew what was about to happen...

mom and dad got into yet another physical confrontation, this time over someting trivial no doubt that escalated into a terrible sight. I don't want to get into much detail about what exactly went on, but i am sure that there are going to be some bruises on both of them tomorrow.

am still quite shook up from the whole ordeal, i kept yelling for them to stop but they didn't for a few minutes. now legs feel like spaghetti noodles and heart is about to leap out of my chest. right now they are still arguing verbally, but i am pretty sure that the physical part is over.

just got done consoling my little sister, since she seemed to be more shook up than i was. things just seem to be getting worse and worse around here, i wish that they would go on and just divorce already, since its obvious that they can no longer live together safely.


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much better today. everything appears to be back to normal, no lasting consequences that i can see. going to try to get back to work, since that whole ordeal made it impossible to get any of my work done for the entire rest of last night

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:eek: Damn, you're lucky. I guess that's what happens when you live more up north (not that you're exactly up north.) So when did you get out of school?

I've got like three more days of freedom. Then I don't have access to these forums whenever I need them and the panic sets in :cool::(.

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Hi Inf :(

Im glad things for you are better today hun. Have you given any thought about trying to seek out some help or support for yourself, you know to help with how things are at home for you ?

Take care.

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Hey Sue,

i haven't really given it much thought as of this moment to say the truth.

another thing that seems to have bothered me a bit since last night is that even though me and my sister were the only ones affected by the whole ordeal, she was fine after only a few minutes, as if she had come to accept it as normal also, just not as much as the others. i feel as though i am the only really emotionally sensitive one left :(

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I think it's important that you talk to your sister and make sure she understands that this isn't normal or acceptable behavior.

As far as being emotionally sensitive, I believe that pedophilia can do that to a person (no, I'm not talking about child molesters. They can all die.) Almost a year ago, I became a very sensitive and emotional person, though as I've told you in the past, I don't allow myself to display this in real life.

If I were you, I'd really put a lot of deep thought into how you're going to deal with your home situation. As far as I'm concerned, you're in an abusive environment.

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Hi Inf,

The thing you may need to realise is, that you are older than your siblings - therfore your thought processes are slightly different to theirs.

Im sure it is affecting them too, just that it will show in different areas of their life - so to speak.

(hope that makes sense to you - having difficulty with words tonight)

How you are feeling Inf, probably has nothing to do with pedophillia. Coz to be fair, I think sensitivity is a normal reaction to any sort of abuse in the home. I know from my own experiences as a child, My sense of hearing was magnified to the sound of anything that could be potentially dangerous to me, Ie, arguements, banging of things around the home etc... Also had the panic attacks, etc..., I could go on - but I will spare you all the boring details. :(

I really do hope that you find the courage to get help, not only for yourself but also for your younger siblings.

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i'm really not sure about her anymore. most of the time she is really against the whole fighting sort of thing herself, but oftentimes still, when she is mad she will sort of mimic what goes on, such as hitting people, using foul language, etc. i think its just became so ingrained in her that she knows its wrong, but has just accepted (and im thinking up to a point emgbraced it as well).

i've just been sensitive no matter how far back i remember, a lot more so than most of my male friends (and most of my female friends). not so much sensitive towards myself, but mostly towards others. empathy is like an instinct. i openly display it, since trying to hide it is futile since it quite literally IS my personality.

i really can't wait to start school back up again, since during teh school week my mom works long shifts and doesn't get home until around 9 pm, and then goes straight to bed. that is a lot of alleviation right there fortunately.

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Hey inferiority. You're not still working on your history stuff, are you?

I'm just wanting to chat a little. Nothing really important, I just like talking with you :D

How are you feeling?

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oh na, i literally just finished up my history work a few minutes ago, got 16 pages of notes (whew) tomorrow i have to start English (doh!). feeling a bit better now i guess we can have a bit of chat chat time.

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Ooohhh... English... Fun...

Actually, I like English as long as reading classics and grammar/punctuation aren't involved. But if I'm allowed to actually write a paper on something that I WANT to write about, I usually do pretty well.

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