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feeeeeeeeeeeelin' goooooood!!!!!!!!!!!



i had a nice day today and i feel kinda good for a change!!!:( i think maybe it's because i got proper sleep last night.. i feel verrrrry peaceful:) i went outside a little while ago and sat in the dark and it felt reallllly good because there was a nice breeze and it wasn't raining. and then i had ice-cream:D and that made me feel even better!!!

i hope tomorrow is a good day, it's my last day off work until nexxxxxt week... tomorrow is an important day, i find out for definite whether i have a place in the college i want to go to or not...up til now i've just been assuming that i have a place....i think (HOPE!!!) i'll have enough points....really, i should be feeling verrrrry scared right now!!!(but i'm not..:confused:) even if i don't get a place there, i've applied to lots of other colleges so i'll probably get in somewhere. it's kinda funny that i feel so calm!!! today is a funny day. i feel like i can control my moods better today!!!!!! i havn't felt sad allllllllll day and i havn't been up and down like a yoyo, or i havn't been like a cuckoo clock either( i don't think...) I feel reallllllly gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

really, i should try sleep more often!!! or else eat more ice-cream.


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But a fruit is just part of a plant. Even better: it's a part of the plant that the plant wants someone to eat. Because that's how the plant's seeds get distributed in nature. So it probably even hurts their feelings if you don't eat them.

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Sweety, this is the point: even if I agree with you that "everything" has feelings, I have an even harder time believing that all of "their" feelings are exactly the same as mine.

There are humans who gladly die for what they feel is important, whether it's religion, politics, or to protect their children. I don't feel the way they do (at least about religion or politics). Why should I assume that a fruit, which contains the seeds of its plant and is the only way those seed will get spread to make new plants, isn't glad to die so its plant will get to have babies?

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Blossom, sweety, you have a really great imagination.

But you seem to be using it to make sure you're evil for eating. That exact same thought could be turned around: Maybe brainfreeze is ice cream showing you how good it feels to be eaten, so slow down and enjoy it.

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Brain freeze is the pain sometimes inflicted by devouring something cold like ice cream or a cold beverage, often very quickly.

The reaction is (obviously) triggered by the cold ice cream or beverage; coming into contact with the roof of the mouth. It triggers nerves that give the brain the impression of a very cold environment. To heat up the brain again, blood vessels start to swell, which causes the headache-like pain for approximately 30 seconds

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