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I watched a documentry on Netflix called Alien Autopsy. It's based on a fairly popular leaked video, of surgeons performing an autopsy on a grey alien in 1947 following the Roswell UFO incident. It was reported that a saucer crash landed killing two Aliens with one having survived, but the US military had the article drawn and claimed it was a weather balloon. 


 The footage has generally been passed off as a fake, but the documentary details it's close examination by surgeons and special effects film makers. They generally agree, that the footage is legitimate and it would br virtually impossible to create such a realistic simulation by modern standards, let alone the technology available 65 years ago.


I'm a firm believer in UFO's & Aliens, with a special interest in the popularly depicted greys. I tend to keep this to myself because apparently, it's a completely insane assumption that amongst the billions of galaxies in the known universe, there is likely to be ideal conditions for intelligent life elsewhere :Dunno:



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2 minutes ago, IrmaJean said:

I suspect we are not alone.

I'm glad you think so too. The greys have techmology that Is far more advanced than ours, lighting up our skies with their bizzare and wonderful spacecraft. Another documentary (also available on Netflix) examines amateur footage and though some are likely to have been faked, there are numerous videos that are accepted to be unaltered and real scenes of advanced aircraft with unprecedented manouvering capabilities.


There's a spot In the south of England that Is an apparent hotspot for UFO sightings, and I really want to visit :)

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I wouldn't call it a passion, but It's so...romantic isn't it? Intelligent species from a far off planet, littering our skies with their spectacle. Why are they here? What do they want with us? What wisdom can they share with us? I  definitely interested in them. I want to see a UFO with my own eyes though, and might book a cabin and go on a small break with a friend to try my luck. Provided I can talk him into it of course. My sister went on a break to Wales with her husband and kids 2 weeks ago, and stayed in a remote cabin on a lake.  I'm so jealous. I love the feeling of isolation, so I will probably need to pick between the two locations. 



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It would suck if they abducted me though. I wouldn't mind a 20 minute chat over tea and biscuits, but if they live up to their reputation then I suspect they'd be more interested in probing me & conducting painful experiments. I don't suppose what they could possibly learn from me though. I suck. I frequently imagine a sort of funny scenario where little grey humanoids point their fingers at me and exclaim in their twangy extra terrestrial voices "Look! Alien!" LOL.

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I have sometimes wondered why so many seem to feel they would always want to harm us. Maybe we could learn from one another without any violence (said the ever hopeful idealist).

I think it's common for introverts and people who are sensitive to external stimuli to need space and downtime to recharge. I know I sure do. And if there is any nature nearby, that can be replenishing. I find it stills the mind. A remote cabin on the lake in Wales sounds lovely.

I hope you enjoy your vacation, wherever you decide to go.

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Judging by their aircraft, if grey aliens wanted to harm us we'd be completely powerless. I'm not sure whether or not they actually abduct humans, and if the claims are indeed true, it's probably to study our species rather than inflict harm. I suspect that they're probably nowhere near as harmful as we are, because everytime human beings have come across land or naturally existing commodities, they have gone on to steal it or conquer the nations completely provided they were powerful enough to.


Yeah, I feel alone & overwhelmed around people, while being most comfortable when in isolation. I tend to find people overbearing, and they consume too much of my conscious mind, sabotaging my sense of self. Over the years,  I've come to reduce this to some degree,  but still not to the point I'd like it to be.  I still play into expectations a little more than I'd like to,  and adopt a collective consciousness with the people I'm around. I hate that more than anything, but experimenting a little on how to reduce it.




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8 hours ago, IrmaJean said:

I still can't wrap my head around Celsius.  My brain thinks in Fahrenheit. I need a conversion chart. :huh: In school, we did discuss the metric system some, but it seems here in the US we're still using the old system for the most part.

I could chat about most any other sport aside from soccer (football)...

i have trouble with fahrenheit so we're even.

baseball and american football are somewhat confusing to me.

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If you're interested in knowing resolute, then look into them. It seems to me & many others, that most western governments invest a lot of energy into covering up & denying the existence of Aliens, while unofficial sources provide overwhelming proof for their existence on this very planet (and skies).


Satellite imagery of our very own moon shows numerous photographs of artificially manufactured buildings, almost all of which are far bigger than those on earth. Even if mankind did visit the moon (which I strongly contest), the astronauts only had time to collect moonrock, take pictures & erect American flags. Who then built these gigantic structures, and why have they done so on our moon?


It appears to me, from looking at footage and doing a bit of reading, we have Aliens on this planet and their craft regularly penetrating our atmosphere from what are probably nearby locations in space. I'm guessing that they have a base on the moon, and I'm not alone with this.


Anyway,  check it out if it interests you. There is so much to the world we live in that has deliberately been concealed from us. It makes me sad :(



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Yeah cool let me know. No I missed the Portugal game, it was 1-1 right? I bet that made your day lol. Do you rate his skill/ability though?  I'm looking forward to the England vs Wales & Germany vs Poland games on Thursday though. What are your predictions? I'm picking:


England 1 - 2 Wales

Germany 3 - 0 Poland


Lol. I'm probably way off but let's see.


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40 minutes ago, Small said:

Yeah cool let me know. No I missed the Portugal game, it was 1-1 right? I bet that made your day lol. Do you rate his skill/ability though?  

ya, it sort of did. i would've been thrilled had they lost tho. i actually think he's one of the best players in history, but that doesn't make him likeable.



I'm looking forward to the England vs Wales & Germany vs Poland games on Thursday though. What are your predictions? I'm picking:


England 1 - 2 Wales

Germany 3 - 0 Poland


Lol. I'm probably way off but let's see.


england 2-1 wales

germany 2-2 poland

i suspect germany will end up in first place with 7 points.

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Yeah 2-1 to England. Wales scored a long range free kick (Hart screwed up the save) in first half then England equalised with a clumsy goal in second half, getting ahead in added time with another unimpressive goal. England dominated the possession though. 

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i still don't know whether i'm going out or not, but i will certainly miss some of the game because the bastards are showing something else for part of the match. of all the games it had to be this one. $!##$^%%$&^%^%#$@ i wish there was a "pissed off" or "furious" emoticon.

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