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Small Penis - One Man's Pain


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Hey, Irma Jean ... wait until you read this:

I just posted this a short time ago. I think you'll hear a tone and attitude quite different than in the past. Here was my post:

I fully understand the despair, shame, and self-loathing a guy with a small penis feels on a daily basis. I am as guilty as the next guy on this site for feeling that life for a guy with a small dick is hopeless. I've spent my whole life beating myself up over this. But I think a light my have finally gone on over my head. This mental beating I've givenj myself has GOT to stop. No one but me can do something about it. Counselors, therapists, and psychologists can only do so much. Posters on this site are well-meaning, caring, sincere individuals that try to help.

I've gotta stop feeling sorry for myself. It hasn't worked out too well at this point, has it? They say an alcoholic has to hit rock bottom before he can get help and turn his life around. Well, I've been at rock bottom on the scale of intimacy for a long, long, LONG time. It's time for that to stop - it's GOT to stop.

As difficult as the road ahead will be, it can't POSSIBLY be tougher than the pain I've inflicted on myself. I've told myself that I'm worthless... that nobody would want me ... that I'm no good to anyone ....

Well, that's BULLSHIT !!! I'm a really good person. I've actually known that deep down inside my whole life. I deserve happiness. I deserve love. I deserve sex. That's right, SEX! I want it all and I'm sick and tired of telling myself I can't have it. It's about time I went after it - come hell or high water.

If the chick wasn't expecting such a small dick, well then guess what - too late. I'm in your fucking bed now, BITCH! You wanna dump me afterwards, fine. I'll go after someone else who appreciates me. You want me to lick you, go down on you, finger you, stick a dildo in you, NO PROBLEM. I'll do it! Whatever gets you off. And while I'm at it, if you wanna give my little guy some attention too, go for it!

Irma Jean, sorry for the graphic nature of that post, but you get the idea. And here's a fact: yesterday was my birthday, July 8th. But it's also my independance day, too. I don't know if the light went on in my head because of all the encouragement you've given me, or the cumulative effect of the sadness other posters have expressed on this site, or if I just realized it's now or never. But, for the first time in my life, I actually feel there IS light at the end of the tunnel. I'm gonna give it all I've got. I'll keep you posted.

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Hi Eric. :) Feel free to call me Beth, if you'd like.

Happy belated birthday!!! :) I hope you did something for yourself on your day.

I think it's really important to be aware of how we talk to ourselves. It sounds as if you want to give power to your inner encouraging voice and this is great. :)

I'm patient, caring, and sincere. I'm friendly, considerate, and loving.

Those are wonderful qualities to have. Have you tried connecting with those aspects of yourself when you're interacting with others?

But despite all that, I'm a pussy.

You're being harsh on yourself here. I hear you, but maybe you could reframe this thought a bit? You have some difficulty feeling confident during social interactions. Is there any particular subject that you are well-informed in? It always helped me to start interactions this way. I think building confidence can take some time. I hope you can be patient and gentle with yourself. Maybe working on your relationship with you can also help you in your social interactions.

But, for the first time in my life, I actually feel there IS light at the end of the tunnel.

Yes, there is light. It's wonderful that you can see it now. :) One thing that helps me is to think about my inner light. How can I shine as the person I am and just be me? It feels good to do that.

Take care, Eric, and be well.

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  • 1 month later...

This is what she wrote on her blog next to her video- and this is why I am so unhappy- and why I have been rejected so many times....


"I may get a lot of heat for what I’m about to write in this post, because every article I’ve ever read on this subject writes to the contrary, but here goes: Penis size does matter, and 92% of you that answered my poll agree.

I, like probably the majority of the 92% of you, did not arrive at this conclusion haphazardly. There was probably an experience or two that shaped this opinion over time. For me, there were three. There was the guy who once lubed me up with some oral pleasure only to reveal a penis about the size of my index finger, that he couldn’t really fit into a condom…and that was the end of that.

There was the guy who actually had decent girth, but was no bigger than three inches erect, and also couldn’t last for longer than three minutes, ever. And finally the guy that looked and felt as flaccid as he did erect, so I could never tell, and eventually gave up trying to tell.

I am not saying that I haven’t had my share of blunders with men that had the normal average. I am also not saying that a guy can’t get you off if he’s not packin’. Good hand and oral techniques can sometimes take you there like a penis can’t. And I also agree with David Cates when he writes, “What a woman wants is to FEEL YOU: your heart, your mind, your tears, your laughter. Your gratitude. Your excitement. Your joy. The trembling in your fingertips when you brush against her thighs. The sigh of contentment when she takes you in her mouth”.

Women orgasm more from the emotional than the physical, this is true, but there is still a mind body connection that I believe you can’t deny. For me, there is something sexually arousing when I see a man with a well-sized erect penis and there is something sexually fulfilling when I can feel and clamp onto that penis inside of me. If there wasn’t, I would probably be a lesbian.

Do ALL women feel this way? Obviously not 8% of you, and I have definitely met those that are indifferent; don’t care about size, or actually prefer smaller. And that’s awesome, because I totally believe there is someone for everyone, and many different ways to pleasure a woman if you’re just willing to try."

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A Contemporary Females Perspective- Blog essay


Small Penis Boy

From the title of this post, you can guess what it is about. About a year ago, I met this REALLY hot guy! So hot I thought about posting his picture here just so I could get a collective pat on my back from all of you, but then it is mean and would suck because, he is majorly lacking in one department.

I met him at this dive bar in the Valley one night. He came in with his hot black roommate who had some of the best skin I had EVER seen. The girls were signed up for karaoke and did Bell Biv Devoe's "Poison" because, you can 'Never trust a big butt and a smile.' We put on a great show and Small Penis Boy (SPB) was really nice, funny, and HOT! So we exchanged numbers. He wanted me to come back to his place and I told him I had to drop my c*ckblock friend off at home and would come over with my other friend who was practically getting it on with his roomie in the bar.

After dropping off the c*ckblock, my friend and I went over to SPB's house and him and went straight to his bedroom. Him and I got into a gnarly makeout session followed by what seemed like HOURS of foreplay. Now, I love me some foreplay but eventually I need the P inserted into VaGee for a beating! So I make a comment and he breaks out the condom and I'm like woo hoo!We're going to bone! And then we start and I'm like WTF? Is it in? What's going on here? I couldn't feel a thing. I thought to myself "GREAT he has a case of"whisky dick" just my friggin luck!

I decide I need to break out with the dome and breathe some life into this soldier! I then come head to head with it and I could not believe my eyes! I thought, I must REALLY be drunk it looked like it was the size and girth of my index finger. I was baffled and speechless but decided to move forward. Now, one would think that dome would be easily performed on a small penis, but oh contrare mon frère. Imagine trying to blow/suck on your index finger. It's NOT easy! In fact I think it comes closer to the teeth than anything! Anyways, I was able to raise the flag and we attempted to get back to having sex. Basically, the only position that worked was: me on top legs wrapped around his back with him sitting up. The maximum movement was rocking back and forth. It was such a huge disappointment.

He finished and went to the bathroom. At this point I happened to roll over onto his side of the bed and saw the box of condoms. Lo and behold it was a box of Magnums. I shit you not, MAGNUMS. Of all people this guy had NO BUSINESS with magnums, none whatsoever!

Well, as some of you may know I almost always go back twice. I mean you might as well, right? You've already added another notch on your bedpost so why not go back and hit that one more time? Plus, I was at odds with myself whether his penis was really THAT small. Was I really wasted? Was it whisky dick? I mean, the guy was a great guy, had all these wonderful attributes like his own place, a great personality, funny, adorable, and fucking hot! I had to go back and I had to bring my friends along to meet him. First of all, Miss 4 inch Stiletto's met him and tried to hit on him, then she goes "OHHHH THAT IS SPB" - yes, perfect, that is him. Me = :: cringing ::

I went back over to his place on another night and attempted to have sex with him again. There, on the side of the bed were the magnums and there on the other side of the bed I sat and realized that this just could not work. Getting beat up by a boy is TOO important for me to give up, no matter how good the foreplay is. It's not that I haven't dealt with small penises before and made it work, its just that this penis was so small we were actually unable to move if it was inside of me. It was quite a shame :(

Ladies, have any of you had the pleasure (or not) of dealing with this same problem?





openid16-rounded.gifLilo said...

Oh the horror of the SPB! Just as bad as a bust on/sans impact.

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 12:59 PM4 Inch Stilettos said...

He was hot, but notice how quickly I recoiled once informed that he was the infamous SPB!!!!

I am somewhat surprised that I haven't had to encounter one of my own. As we all know, Sam is very well-endowed and has the sex drive of a 15 year old boy. This all adds up to some pretty brutal beatings AKA There are times when I walk funny for days!

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 1:06 PMrs27 said...

Small Penis Boy = Worst Superhero name ever

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 1:10 PMChristie said...

haha, yes, actually, and I thought that he was flacid too.

I'm a petite girl too and I thought I was going to freaking break him.

haha magnums. I'm suprised it actually worked

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 2:17 PMSuzy Q said...

Most guys fear Magnums, and this guy actually thought he needed them!?! LOL

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 2:52 PMThe Alleged Ringleader said...

I honestly think he borrowed the Magnums from his roommate. He was a tall nice looking brother and I mean you know what they say about the brothers ;)

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 3:37 PMJust A Gigolo said...

Ok, speaking as an average guy (well, measuring from the taint) I have to ask...was he at least a champ at strapping on the feedbag? I mean, if you aren't packing a hammer down south, by DEFAULT you must learn how to eat pussy like an Ethiopian at Home Town Buffet. Otherwise, what the hell do you bring to the table?

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 4:04 PMThe Alleged Ringleader said...

HAHAHA yeah he was able to eat it up and get me off but it wasn't the best I have had - he DEF brought something to the table but the bottom line is: I love me some d*ck.

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 4:13 PMmomochacha said...

lol... oh gawd, can you imagine how sad his life must be? I wonder if a man with the penis the size of a finger can even enjoy sex? And props to him for having a good personality, too ... I know I'd have major insecurity issues if I were a guy and every time I went for the touchdown my partner had to check and see if anything was even happening. haha

FEBRUARY 20, 2008 AT 10:23 PM<a href="http://legallyheidi.com/" rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(204, 0, 0); text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; ">legallyheidi.com said...

omg yes. a couple times. one boy while i was interning. a georgetown law student. gorgeous blue eyes. sickest apartment. small weenie :X *sigh*

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Based on one woman's opinion though. A woman who comes across as extremely shallow and also almost every video of the women Jessie posts who're mocking men with a small penis, all these women are average looking at best.

Just because women prefers larger penis that does not make her shallow...nature makes large penis males more attractive to women for various valid reasons.

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shes less shallow than most.

she did appreciate his humour and niceness and praised his foreplay

AND she tried to make it work- she gave him a 2nd chance- I bet that guy doesnt get many 2nd chances

She probably treated him nicer than many other women have in the past.

She was a lot nicer than the girl that 'recoiled in disgust'

Yeah, she was disrespectful about him to her friends - but as I have mentioned before thats pretty de rigour. (in my experience anyway)

I bet some of my exes have pet names for me to their friends- it breaks my heart- it makes me sick with shame- but what can I do?

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well I accept there was mockery behind the guys back- it was the point of the essay- its an easy populist swipe

so theres a degree of "shallowness" in that view... but she herself, on the whole, had more depth than plenty- her friend for a start...

but its the ubiquity that depresses me....

the essay reminded me of those times I have seen men and women ridiculing guys in their peer group socially who were exposed as small somehow (one of those awful situations you have to laugh along with we spoke about earlier)

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This women to me is actually very understanding and compassionate compared to most other women. She felt nothing from having sex with this dude and yet she stayed and let it play out when she could have just walked out, she didn’t laugh at him to his face (big plus in my book)...she even went back to try again...How is this women shallow in any way??? this is the best a man with small people can hope for.

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"Twenty-five years as a couples therapist has put me reluctantly on that page also. In too many sessions I have winced inwardly at an exchange or suppressed the shocked outcry of "You said what?!" at a marital report.

Too many times I have been unable to repair the damage inflicted by a heartfelt confidence:

"I finally told him his penis is too small. How else could he understand why I don't enjoy sex with him?"

"She needs to know she's too fat to turn me on anymore. It's the truth and maybe it will motivate her."

"I love him but I'm not in love with him. I just can't get past his looks."

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What the fuck are you talking about? Enjoy the ride? There's nothing to enjoy. I can't take this shit anymore. I can't believe this is such a problem but it is.

I want to cut my entire body up, I want to shove a knife into my kness, cut my penis off, and stab my eyes.

I can get support for depression and anxiety but not this? Thanks for nothing, I came here for support but this subforum is horrible and should be deleted. It doesn't help, its just a bunch of guys posting this poison.

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Blogs reflect topics people are interested in.

Size is a topic men and women alike are very interested in.

its an easy way to increase site traffic and she knows its a juicy topic and will know its will something many other women will have experienced.

The blog is mostly for girls so she was writing for her usual readership.

ps dvn- im sorry- dont let my poison infect you- for what its worth I HAVE found some nicer stuff too- and have posted it if plausible.

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Blogs reflect topics people are interested in.

Size is a topic men and women alike are very interested in.

its an easy way to increase site traffic and she knows its a juicy topic and will know its will something many other women will have experienced.

The blog is mostly for girls so she was writing for her usual readership.

ps dvn- im sorry- dont let my poison infect you- for what its worth I HAVE found some nicer stuff too- and have posted it if plausible.

Too late, I'm treid of you people! women are sick, vile, creatures devoid of any honor, there all just like my mother. Men have forgotten any sort of integrity or honor. I should have offed myself, I should have took more pills, next time will be different.

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Hey dvn

my mom is great- im lucky to have had a fantastic childhood- amd Im sorry you clearly didnt - and that would hurt anyone.

my sister is great too

my female therapist (ex therapist now) was great and wonderfully sympathetic

irma is great

Cece was great (miss you Cece!)

Lots of women are wonderful and would never insult a guy like that.

Im sorry I posted it - I spent a lot of time on-line trying to find evidence of 'live/real' girls that dont mind and when I get to something nasty or good I get either elated or depressed and vent here- Im sorry its upset you- don't do anything hasty....

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