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September 19, 2009

I woke up to almost 4 AM awhile ago. Darn bladder. I feel like I'm pregnant again, always going to the toilet! Well, it's okay though, at least I didn't wake up earlier. And I wanted to visit the forum... I know I'll be able to sleep again later in the day, so everything is cool...



Domestic Violence

My step son and his wife have been involved in domestic violence again. The children suffer so much. I always approach these things with the thought that if I think enough I should find the answers. We all play our roles and repeat this cycle over and over and over again. WTF is my role again? Oh yes, the idiot! I give up - I just give up.

Say Again

Say Again

The Fairy Godfather, part 4 [reprinted]

The fairy godfather returned to where he had left Sulking Sue, carrying the flint and tinder he had recovered from the ogre for her. She jumped up joyfully and took them from him. Unwilling to wait any longer, she crouched down, put the tinder between her feet, and struck the two flints together until a bright Spark of Life flew into the kindling and ignited it. Guarding the tiny flame jealously in her hands, she used it to light the lantern she carried. Closing the door carefully, she looked up



The Fairy Godfather, part 3 [reprinted]

Having thought long and hard about what to do with the ogre, and not having come up with anything even remotely believable, the fairy godfather knew there was just one thing to do: wing it. So he clicked the ruby slippers together and set off to find the ogre. Luckily, we get to skip the search, since it was long and arduous and other good dictionary words. After a while, though, he saw the ogre's head through the trees. The ogre was crouched over some dry bushes, cracking his stolen flints toge



The Fairy Godfather, part 2 [reprinted]

Things were going well for our fairy godfather, when, one day, he met Sulking Sue. He tried, as he had with so many others before her, to take away her sadness with a wave of his wand. But! Some of her sadness remained. He asked her, "Why are you still sad, Sue?" She said, "I'm afraid it's a long story, kind sir, do you have time?" He said, "No, it's no problem, there would have been a huge gap right here if you didn't have a story to tell ..." "May I, then?" she cut him off. "Certainly," he mut



The Fairy Godfather, part 1 [reprinted]

In honor of Sulking Sue and the Four Smileys, a fairy tale of sorts: Once upon a time, there was a fairy godfather. Yes, godfather. No, not the Mafia kind. Do you want a story or not? Okay, then ... He was just an ordinary guy, really. They hadn't even trained him. One day, a pair of ruby slippers and a wand appeared in the mailbox; no note, nothing. After debating how his hairy calves would look sticking out of hard red pumps, he tried them on, and what a thrill it was! Not only did his legs lo



September 18, 7:21 AM

Well, I woke up in the middle of the night, went to the toilet, and went back to sleep. Just woke up. That was unusual, since I napped for a long time yesterday. I really believed I was gonna be up already around 3 or 4. But then before we went to bed I helped my husband clean up our ref (it was long overdue) after defrosting. But then again THAT should have thrown off my sleep somehow, right? Considering it was already nighttime and next to bedtime that I did that ref cleaning. Maybe I sho



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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

im feeling kind of dead numb low or whatever...i dunno just pretty shitty i guess...im trying hard to keep myself from cutting,ive been extremely tempted to go for my wrists something ive never ever done but it's been in my head for days im fighting and fighting it ..no im not suicidal.. i dont know why but for some reason it just feels so right i just want to be clean. now i sound like a whinging fucking cow, guess i am really lol..why the fuck am i laughing when im not laughing? who ever came



Poems I found From Along Time Ago

welcome to the mind of paranoia where expression is limited by fear, and a dibilitating lack of self confidence so acute, rendering one to silence of the mind and soul bitter memories of failure and rejection collecting in ones mind a plague of all too critical philosophys and and harsh self judgment of self a mind where possibility and the unknown reek havok on ones actions both socially and professionally welcome to the mind of paranoia, where nothing is simple and everything is problematic su



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moan moan moan (part 2)

i know he's frustrated and confused i understand that especially as i was always very sexual, kinky and never said no! but for the last 2 yrs apart from occasionaly even then i have to really put myself in the mood for it i just dont want to. i get tired in my head with it all even thinking about it makes me tired and doing it makes my body tired! i get anxious as soon as i get into bed and freeze knowing whats coming. it just goes on and on he tells me i should try i point out i do try and get



moan moan moan

fed up and feeling sh!t went to see my ex the other day and it was going really well i spent a few days at his place and it was great having fun with him again and his company..until bedtime! the first night i managed it thought i should after weeks of being apart plus he'd bought me a nice outfit and a few drinks...so i didnt say anything just admtted i was scared but didnt complain and said ok..i just cried but did it though it was a disaster. the next night he left me alone..phew! night after



.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

i feel so unhappy right now. but that's nothing new i suppose. i feel so stuck and horrible horrible horrible. all my roomates are gone out to a party. i stayed home to try get some art done. i've been sitting staring at a blank sheet of paper for 2 hours now. i'm so uninspired. i was like this during the summer too. i hoped eveything would go back to normal and i'd be able to not be so blocked when i started college but i'm still the same. i really don't know what to do. i have no interest in w



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September 15, 2009

After having napped from 1 to 4 PM I thought I wasn't going to have a good night's rest. I woke up around one in the morning, went to the toilet and then went back to sleep. I finally woke up around 8 AM. Hmmm, maybe it was easy for me to sleep because I just got my period yesterday and the first few days are really troublesome for me. Ha, saved by my period!



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my housemates are really nice so far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm a little drunk right now.. i'm living with 3 girls. everything's kinda spinning right now:D:D i'm glad my internet works here!!!!!!!!!!!



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September 14, 2009

It's a little past six in the morning here. I didn't nap yesterday, and I was able to avoid waking up in the middle of the night. (HOORAY) I did however wake up around 4 I think but I think I dozed off again before getting up eventually at 6. I had LAZY BLADDER.



Strange but true

my mom misses me she says. She just revealed that she has way better communication with me than my bro... She says she's lonely because of it and feel shut out of my brother's family. And that I am the only one keeping constant contact with her and telling her I love her. Who knew. I am the bad kid yet the good kid. Ah! Well I do some things right. I get news from times to times of Y. From my girlfriends who go to his garage. They don't know if he has a girlfriend again... But he seems jolly a



:):o:(:):o:(:):o:(:):o:(: ):o:(:):o:(:):o:(:):o:(:) :o:(:):o

ha omg i'm so scared right now and i have butterflies in my tummy aaaaaaagain:D i can't believe i'm starting college tomorrow..:eek: i can't believe i won't be living at home anymore!!! i think i might be excited aswel right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart is beating sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast... wow i havn't even packed everything yet.. i hope i get nice housemates!!! and i hope i don't get kicked out of college!!! this is so stressful that it's kinda funnnnny:D!!!!!!!!!!!!



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